Rose Gold Wedding Rind Set Lost in Sand .. Pacific Beach, CA. ..Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Barbara called me about 6:30pm.. Telling me how she lost her wedding rings earlier that afternoon in the sand at Pacific Beach located in the SanDiego area. She took them off putting them on a towel while applying sunscreen.. Barbara was upset with herself but I assured her this was so common she shouldn’t be so hard on herself. I was also able to convince her that metal detectors work very well to recover rings lost in the sand. Our chances were good to find her rings as it had only been a few hours sense the loss.
Timing is important and getting close to the general area they were lost would have a lot to do with recovering the rings. She said that they could meet me after they got home from dinner commitment about 10 pm. Perfect for me because I could return a ring to a lady that lives in San Diego, saving her a trip to Newport Beach.
Barbara and Dan met me and I followed them to the north end of Pacific Beach. We walked a few blocks to some landmarks they had remembered. Barbara pointed to an broken pair of sunglasses and a rock they had placed each side of where they were sitting. Dan was interested in how the detector worked so I took a few moments to explain what it was telling me as a dug a few pieces of trash. Then I got two solid gold tones with nice ID numbers that matched. I scooped one ring and marked a spot for Barbara to find it with her fingers. I told her to grab with her fingers not drag her fingers through the sand. She got it and we took pictures. Returned to our cars to head home. I asked them to tell their friends and post on their social media about I’m one of 400 members located all over the country.



2 Replies to “Rose Gold Wedding Rind Set Lost in Sand .. Pacific Beach, CA. ..Found”

  1. Larry Griffith says:

    Nice job Stan. A long drive but successful hunt. It must have been satisfying for the owner to retrieve the ring.

  2. Jim Wren says:

    Great smile on her face!! WTG Stan

    Jim Wren
    TRF N. Myrtle Beach SC

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