Ring Lost in the Sand .. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Dave sent me an email late Monday afternoon. I received it on my iphone and was able to contact him using the phone number he provided. He told me about the loss of his wedding ring on the beach in front of Annenberg Community Center which is a couple miles north of the Santa Monica Pier.
He said he had placed his ring in the pocket of his pants, leaving them on the dry sand while he went swimming. After the swim, he put his pants on and walked a couple hundred yards to his car in the parking lot. That was when he realized his ring was missing. He and his friends went back to search for the ring, but couldn’t find it.
I asked Dave if he could meet me at the location. He was across town visiting friends, making it difficult to meet me. After he told me the general area of the loss, I felt I could find the location to search without Dave. We didn’t know for sure that the ring was lost there as he had walked quite a distance across the sand before realizing the loss.
Just as the sun was setting an hour and a half after talking to Dave, I arrived at the beach parking. Walking straight to the lifeguard tower, I set up a grid search over the towel line just south of the tower. The stainless steel ring was found after about 20 minutes. It’s always a concern for me that the beach grooming machines can drag or pickup valuables if we don’t get to the location in a timely manner. Here,  at our beaches the beach cleaning machines always hit the first 30 feet of the towel line almost everyday.
Dave was able to meet me so I could return the ring. You can see he was happy by his smile on the photo I took after handing him his ring. It was a pleasure to meet him and return his special ring..


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