Lost tungsten wedding ring recovered Tilden Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Kati had posted in her small town social media site about needing help to find her husbands lost wedding ring. Chris was working in the back yard doing some demolition work when he put his ring in his pocket to keep it safe. Later when he got in the house and reached in to put his ring back on, you guessed it, it was not there. Julie a lady who grew up in Tilden, looked me up and asked if I could help. This is true small town comradeship. I said I’d love to come find it for them. I took a special road trip for this recovery, video below. I respect if people don’t want to have their picture taken with their ring, what matters is we got it back and made some smiles. Thanks Kati and Chris for entrusting the recovery of the ring to me.

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