3 Rings Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

It was close to 9:30 am on Friday, May 31st when I received a call from Roz saying her son, Michael had lost 3 rings in the dry sand the day before. She had me on speaker and both her and her husband, Len was answering my questions. They said they were sitting in the dry sand when a wave came up and covered their area. They pulled their towels and bags back to dryer sand and in the process Michael’s rings fell out of the bag. I told them I could be there in about an hour and to send me the Resort’s address.

When I got there, I met Roz and Len on the beach, and they showed me an area about 10’X20’. I turned the Nox on and went to work. I was doing a north/south grid search and was running outside the area Len had pointed out. I finally got a great signal and dug out a 2023 Augusta University class ring, which I’m trying to find the owner of. So, at this point I started an east/west grid search north of the original area. On my second line I hit a solid silver target, 2 of Michael’s rings were silver. Dug out the target and both Roz and Len identified it as Michael’s. A couple of steps and I hit and recovered another silver ring belonging to Michael. Another swing and I found Michael’s 3rd Ring. Roz called Michael and told him the good news. Michael thanked me and we hung up. A few minutes later Roz received a text from Michael saying, “I was in a shared uber and the guy next to me was sleeping so I had to curb my excitement and not be too loud but definitely much thanks to the veteran who found the rings with 2 praying hand emojis.”

Roz and Len – Thank you for calling and trusting me to help find Michael’s rings. Have a safe trip back home.



1 Comment »

One Reply to “3 Rings Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC”

  1. Roz says:

    Thanks again, Jim – We are grateful for your expert abilities and friendly, fast, service!

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