Victorian Home Search Corsicana Tx

  • from Fort Worth (Texas, United States)

Hired to search this Victorian Home in Corsicana Texas for possible buried cache of jewelry, silver or gold.

Did not locate any caches. Found some old relics, and a few old coins. It was an interesting and fun experience!


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4 Replies to “Victorian Home Search Corsicana Tx”

  1. Chris Turner says:

    What a cool call out to search for Gold & Silver! Too bad there was none but looks like a fun search and some nice finds…Happy Hunting, Chris

  2. Mark Rubey says:

    I bet that big signal the iron gave off made your heart skip a beat or two!

  3. Henry Lucero says:

    Yea I thought I found something good like that cache.
    I tried to get the owners to let us search the inside of the home but The home has now been confiscated and sold due to all the circumstances and hype of this embezzlement case. You can read about it. Google Collin Street bakery embezzlement

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