Lost Platinum Engagement Ring Found in Corn Pit in Wooster, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Halloween high jinks were in full swing this past weekend in Wooster, Ohio! Kim was enjoying an unseasonably warm fall day with her family at Ramseyer Farms. The day was full of fun and treats, but Kim ended up being on the receiving end of a trick! The culprit? Corn! That’s right, not a person, it was corn…and lots of it! Kim was playing with her 2-year-old daughter in the Corn Barn (a giant corn pit, in a barn) when it happened. (For those who don’t know, a corn pit is like a sand box, except it’s filled with corn kernels!) Anyway, she was crawling through the corn towards her daughter when she felt that unmistakable feeling of a ring slipping off her finger! She immediately started foraging through the corn, but couldn’t find her platinum engagement ring! She continued searching for a while and her dad even went and purchased a metal detector to aid in the search! After a while she decided to search the internet where she found The Ringfinder’s website, which led her to me. I received the call at 5:13 pm yesterday evening. Kim explained what had happened and asked if I would be able to come out and assist. She said the staff at Ramseyer Farms was aware of the situation and that they would keep the lights on and the barn open after hours to allow us to search. The farm was closing at 7pm, so Tammy (my metal detecting partner) and I arrived at the farm around 6:50 pm and met Kim at the main entrance. We made our way back to the corn barn as she filled us in on a few more details about the event. When we got to the barn, we took off our shoes and followed Kim into the corn. She told us about where she was and what direction she was heading when she lost her ring and we got to work! We started out using our pinpointers in the general area she had been and then I decided to do a little bit bigger sweep with my detector just in case it was no longer in the same spot, as the corn barn is a huge attraction at Ramseyer Farms and, as such, it is always packed with kids scooping, digging, rummaging, running and rolling through the corn! While I swept the area, Tammy kept following Kim’s path through the corn with her pinpointer. About forty-five minutes into the search, Tammy had a hit about 6-8 inches deep in the corn, right along Kim’s path. She slowly started sweeping corn away as she worked her way down, keeping her pinpointer on the signal. And then I heard Kim gasp! She had been watching Tammy and noticed the glint right away as Tammy plucked the ring from the corn! Tammy handed the ring to a super excited Kim, we took a few photos and then we all made our way out of the corn. The staff at Ramseyer Farms was wonderful! They were super friendly and accommodating as we searched and celebrated the find, right along with us! What an adventure! Kim got her ring back, Kim’s dad found a new hobby and we got to play in the corn! All in all, a great evening! We’re so glad we were able to turn Kim’s trick into a treat! Just remember, if you visit a corn pit – don’t forget to take off your jewelry! But, if you do forget and lose something, give us a call! 


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