Gold Wedding Ring lost in the Ocean, Loveladies NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Kevin sent me an email about his lost ring in the ocean. He had been waist-deep in the water when, while catching a football, the ring popped right off. He provided all the key details—time of day, water depth, and exact location—which made it easier to plan the recovery. We agreed to attempt the search, and I headed out during the next low tide.

When I arrived, Kevin’s father met me on the beach and pointed out the spot where Kevin had been. He even reenacted the moment Kevin caught the football. Water recoveries can be slow, and after 45 minutes of going back and forth over the area, I still hadn’t found anything. But I kept at it, and eventually, I got a sweet low tone from my metal detector—a promising signal.

Digging in the crashing surf was tricky, and I missed the ring on my first two scoops. But finally, the ring was safe in my scoop. I walked slowly up to Kevin’s father, who was sitting nearby. I told him I had searched the entire area Kevin described, only getting one signal. Then, I pulled the ring from my scoop. The look on his face was priceless—pure relief and surprise.

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