Doug’s 14 karat yellow gold wedding band found by metal detectorist Brian Rudolph (a proud member of THE RING FINDERS) after 1 hour of searching Doug and Jenna’s Great Falls, Virginia property.

Doug and Jenna happily showing off the 14-karat gold men’s wedding band that was lost in their backyard during a vicious bee attack! Metal detectorist, Brian Rudolph, known as THE RING HERO, recovered the sentimental keepsake on the 1 acre property belonging to the couple!
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
Jenna called me on behalf of her husband Doug who lost his 14 karat yellow gold wedding band somewhere out on his 1 acre property. Here’s the backstory.
The couple went to church earlier that morning. They returned home and Doug immediately headed outside to cut their lawn with his push mower. In the process of being so diligent, the young man got attacked by a swarm of bees that came out of a tree at the top of the hill.
Doug swatted the attackers with one hand while still having the other hand free to operate the mower in order to keep the engine running. Even when he turned around and retreated approximately 30 feet away from where the bees had initially invaded his space, some of the unrelenting insects followed him across the lawn.
Immediately, Doug stopped the mower because he felt a bee entering into his boot. He took his footwear off, removed the ruthless attacker and then continued mowing the lawn with a huge sigh of relief.
After waving goodbye to Doug’s family who were taking off to go on an errand, the diligent groundskeeper continue cutting grass until the mower completely ran out of fuel. According to my clients, Doug filled up the gas tank in front of the house and that’s when he realized that his precious wedding band was no longer on his finger.
Immediately, the concerned young man went back to the rear of the house and began searching the grass for his very sentimental keepsake. When all of his efforts failed to recover the ring, Doug decided to go to a local sporting goods shop and he bought a Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 metal detector.
Doug returned to his house where he spent an hour scanning is 1 acre yard for the missing wedding band. Eventually he had to give up the search because a heavy rainstorm fell over the area and so he returned inside the house for the rest of the afternoon.
Doug’s wife Jenna wasted no time in seeking another solution in finding Doug’s lost wedding ring. The young wife googled: “How to find a lost ring in grass”. She figured that maybe she could give her husband a few tips on how to effectively metal detect for a lost piece of jewelry. Immediately, an article popped up on the screen which was published by one of the members of the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. Jenna realized at that moment that she could search the directory for a local ring finder to help the couple recover the lost ring instead of Doug trying to find it on his own with his cheap metal detector.
Jenna then searched for the closest ring finder in the area and my contact information popped up on the screen. In no time, the two of us connected by phone and we made arrangements for me to come out later that evening. The family was heading to Boston to visit family and friends and it meant a lot to Jenna to recover Doug’s lost wedding band before they took flight the next morning.
When Doug found out that Jenna was on the phone talking to me, he was extremely grateful for her sleuth work in finding a potential answer to their frustrating problem and he too hoped that I could make it out later that day rather than wait until they returned home from their trip. When Doug sent over the search form which I request from my clients, He added these words in the email, “Thanks again Brian (for being willing to come over tonight at the last minute), your attitude has made a huge difference and we are hopeful that you will find the ring before we leave town”.
Later that evening, I arrived at their Great Falls, Virginia house at 7:00 p.m. to conduct the search. The weather forecast said that the rain would subside around sunset and then begin again a couple of hours later. Therefore, I had a certain window to work with before things got ugly out there again.
Doug came out of his house and showed me around his one acre property. As he recounted his steps all around the lawn area, I marked each key spot with an orange plastic tent peg.
My client returned to his house as I began the first phase of the recovery project. I conducted an air grid search where bees first attacked my client. The area was a section that spanned approximately 30 feet by 50 feet.
When I did not have any luck discovering the ring in the first part of the property, I moved on to the second phase of my search by detecting down the hill towards the right side of where Doug was attacked by the swarm of bees. I covered a 20 by 50 foot area of lawn and still the “symbol of love” was nowhere to be found.
The third leg of my project consisted of scanning the lawn behind the area where the initial bee attack took place. Another 50 by 30 foot search section covered places where Doug stood while he said goodbye to his family and the piece of real estate where the young man retreated to When he stopped the mower to inspect his boot.
I’m happy to share that my metal detector picked up a very promising signal just 2.5 feet from one of my orange markers that was placed in the ground right where Doug said he had checked his boot for a stray bee that had made its way inside of it. When I knelt down to inspect the exact place where I detected the piece of metal with my machine, my eyes immediately beheld a very handsome classic yellow gold wedding band that was hiding below the many blades of grass! I was so excited! I found Doug’s lost ring! The entire search took about 1 hour to complete and I couldn’t wait to surprise the couple with my encouraging find!
So as it turned out, Doug’s ring came off his finger exactly at the time when he took off his boot to remove the stray bee that made its way inside. After the reveal (which brought such smiles to The couple’s faces, I took Doug out to the spot where I found his very sentimental piece of jewelry. The three of us rejoiced and thanked the Lord for helping me recover the lost ring!
The timing of finding the ring when I did could not have been more perfect in two ways. First, I was able to return the band to its rightful owner just prior to the family leaving for Boston for a week. And secondly, moments after I revealed the ring with the couple and we thanked the Lord for assisting me in the search and recovery process, the sky opened up and buckets of rain began to pour down uncontrollably for the rest of the night! The whole experience was truly providential and extremely gratifying for me to help Jenna and Doug recover their irreplaceable piece of jewelry!
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