Update Lost Men’s 2013 Texas A&M Class Ring-Found

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

RingA previous open case in Houston involving a lost men’s 2013 Texas A&M Class Ring-Engraved (EW Arnold) has been found.

I recieved the following message from the owner:

Yes sir I actually did! I was looking for your email but I could not remember your email address and with all the emails the school sends me, my email is jam packed. My ring came out of a black hole over spring break when I was in Port Aransas. I found it in the gym bag that I have used every day since I lost the ring, the same bag that I also took to Colorado for the winter break. Not sure how it turned up the way it did but I am quite happy regardless.

Thank you again for your time in helping,

William Arnold


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