Sand and gravel quarry Tag | The Ring Finders

Sand and Gravel Quarry… Broken Equipment…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


Most of my searches are for lost rings, cell phones, car and house keys… Today I got a call to travel two hours to a rock quarry in Agassiz BC, Armstrong Sand and Gravel LTD, to look for a broken part of machinery. It was the finger from a backhoe that had broken off and was hiding somewhere in the rock and gravel, out of sight.












This was a huge concern for if it made its way into the rock crusher it would’ve destroyed it completely (weighs close to 200 pounds), not a good time as we are just dealing with disastrous floods in the area for the past week. I didn’t realize how important a rock quarry is and how essential this service is, as without them it would be impossible to rebuild infrastructure’s like roads and railroad tracks, This company was incredibly busy unlike any other year in their history, section of our highway were closed for close to a week and we have lost the use of the Coquihalla highway that is the “lifeline” between BC and the rest of Canada. Most likely to re-open in January, Abbotsford which suffered huge floods are said to have a two year recovery ahead of them to rebuild their infrastructure… The floods caused at least 450 million in damages. Local crops were contaminated, vegetable crops destroyed by floodwaters.


My search took approximately one hour and 30 minutes and I found it in the third location.  It was covered up and buried but not deep, they were very very happy that it was found and they can continue crushing rocks and getting trucks out to rebuild the infrastructure’s and help our roads get fixed.