lost wedding ring at the beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Miami lost and found metal detecting service

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)









If you just lost your ring or any other type of jewelry on the beach or in the water, stop panicking and call/text Louis 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting service and can come out and help you find your lost item.  Be sure to check out my over 100 successful recoveries on my homepage.

Wedding Ring recovered from Sunset Beach in Huntington Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)


Chris contacted me last night and asked for help to find his wedding ring. He put his Tungsten wedding ring in the pouch of his chair. When he packed up his ring fell out into the sand and he spent 1 1/2 hours searching for it.
We met up in the parking lot the next morning and Chris new exactly where he was sitting which helped me locate the ring in about 2 minutes.
Thanks for contacting me Chris!