lost ring in garde Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Wedding Band Lost & Found In Poole Garden

  • from Bournemouth (England, United Kingdom)

We all appreciate that warm feeling when feeding the birds but for Mrs Andrews of Poole, Dorset it left her feeling extremely upset.

Whilst tossing bread to the hungry sparrows in her Poole back garden, suddenly she felt her wedding band, that she rarely took off, slip from her finger and disappear somewhere into her garden grass. Several attempts were made by herself and husband but to no avail fearing it had disappeared deep into the bushes and lost forever.

I received the call and visited a few days later prepared for a ‘hands and knees’ search in and out of bushes. After only 5 minutes searching the Detector screamed the cry of gold and there it was- almost under a bush some 4 meters away.

Mrs Andrews was very appreciative to wear the ring again and very kindly donated to the Margret Green Animal Charity.