Lost & Found Gold Ring, Durdle Door, Dorset
Driving home from an unforgettable day at Durdle Door, ‘Nish’ from London reflected on the sad events that took place earlier that day.
Nish, like so many people had made the three and a half hour journey to Durdle Door to enjoy the picturesque bay and leave the City behind him. The coves were crowded and he managed to find a quiet spot just around the corner of the ‘Door’ where the sea was calm and the sea bed easily seen from the clear waters.
Standing in the sea alone Nish casually gazed down at his hands only to his horror to notice the absence of a very important Gold Ring. After searching for some time he realized.. it was lost.
The rest of the day was marred by his loss. People still carried on with their day, swimming, laughing and having fun, For Nish, the fun was over and filled with a sense of loss he began his long long journey home. Nearly an hour into the journey home he pulled the car over with an idea! Try the Internet, ask Google?!
Right away The Ring Finders came up together with my name. We made contact and he sped back to Durdle Door to meet me, time is precious especially when rings are lost in soft sands or shifting pebbles.
We searched for an hour. Nothing. I was losing hope. I quizzed his every move, what he did, “where were you”, “was the ring still on when you stood here etc”? Suddenly, just by the waters edge the CTX let out the distinctive hum of gold. The numbers practically jumped out shouting GOLD!! Absolutely certain it was our ring and having caught a glimpse of it I said, “dont get your hopes up, its probably just a penny”! The look on his face when from the sand in my hand the ring appeared was priceless! The huge hug he gave me said it all and I am always so pleased to be a part of ring recoveries, whoever, wherever, whenever!
It was a pleasure to have met Nish and I am very happy that Nish made a kind donation to help the animals at the Margret Green Animal Sanctuary.