Lost ring in Eagle Mountain: found

When Bob got married, his wife gave him a custom 18K gold ring. He has worn that ring for over 50 years. Last weekend, while watching his grandson play flag football, he discovered that the ring was gone. The family searched for hours, but they didn’t find it. Bob found The Ring Finders, and gave me a call. I met Bob and the family at the football fields with my metal detecting equipment. They pointed out the areas where they thought the ring could be, and after about 30 minutes of searching, I found the ring!

While he was growing up in Wyoming, Bob’s family hunted elk for food. This custom-made ring is a reminder of that heritage: two elk teeth are embedded in the gold. Over the decades, the teeth wore down and cavities formed. Since he loved the ring so much, Bob got a dentist family friend to fill the cavities. This ring is one-of-a-kind!

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