Lost Diamond Engagement Ring at Ewa Beach.....FOUND

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

14K Solitaire ewa beach ringewabeachrf#3

Saturday, January 24, 2015

As I was doing some “Honey do list” items my daughter Korin handed me the phone and said, “Someone lost their ring Dad.”  I answered the phone and Jenna explained to me that she lost her ring in the sand at Ewa Beach.  I was far enough along on my chores so I told Jenna I could be there in about 45 minutes as the location is on the opposite side of the island from where I live.  She said she would wait on the beach by the spot where she thought she lost her ring.  I told her, “Don’t try finding the ring it might make it harder for me to find it.”  I arrived with my Excalibur and I was met by Alex, Jenna’s fiance.  Jenna explained that she put her ring in her shorts pocket and when she put them back on after sunbathing she realized the ring was gone.  They showed me the general area and I started a box search in an East-West direction.  With nothing but pull tabs and 55 cents in clad I asked if there was anywhere else she went.  Jenna pointed to a picnic table 75 yards away and said they sat over there awhile and walked straight over and back.  I made three passes towards the picnic table but the area was so littered with metal trash I was getting overloaded with targets.  I decided to go back to the original box and try a North-South grid search.  It paid off on about the fifth line I got what could only be a Gold Ring tone.  I made a gentle scoop and the target was captured. When I looked into the scoop I couldn’t see anything.  I dumped the residual and scanned the pile getting the same tone.  This time I took less of a scoop and their was the tiny Size 3 White Gold Solitaire Diamond ring at the bottom of the scoop. “I might have your ring Jenna.”  Excited she quickly came over to where I stood and I said, “If you can describe the ring in my hand it’s yours.”  Startled and just getting it the day before she said it was silver colored and a single diamond.  Is this it?  As I showed it to her tears started streaming down her face and she said,  “I really didn’t think you were going to find it.”  It only took 30 minutes but to her it must have seemed like an eternity.  A bit more challenging for me but the Excalibur performed well in deep sand on such a tiny ring.  Aloha Jenna & Alex.


3 Replies to “Lost Diamond Engagement Ring at Ewa Beach…..FOUND”

  1. Mark Rubey says:

    Good job! Those tiny little rings don’t give out much of a sound.

  2. Jenna says:

    It definitely did feel like an eternity i was starting to lose hope! I just searched “lost ring in sand” on Google that’s how i found this website. If i had gone home with no ring and just gave up without calling you it would’ve turned a beautiful sunny day really sour. Thank you so much for your kindness and your service. We will both be eternally grateful for you. I will suggest you, Joe, to anyone who falls into the same unfortunate situation. Thank goodness for people like you!!
    Best regards Jenna and Alex!!

  3. That was a very small ring. Good job!

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