Wedding ring found in Longmont, CO yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

While cleaning up debris left behind by a recent snow storm Matt Smalley lost his 14 kt white gold wedding band. Matt performed an “eyeballing” search for his ring but it was unable to locate his ring. Matt found my profile on Ring Finders and contacted me, giving me the basic information and we set a date for me to come and look for his ring.

I arrived at the prescribed date and time; Matt had taken that afternoon off work so that he would be able to explain his work site and what he was doing the day of the rings loss. The day was a bit cool so after Matt had shown my around he went back into his house to stay warm.

I prepared my equipment and set about on my search. Within a couple of minutes I heard the sound of a ring laying on the surface. As I parted the grass I could see the white gold band that was hiding very well under the leaves and brown grass. I retrieved the ring and made my way to the front door to return Matt’s ring.

Ring recovered November 1, 2011.

Matt's ring


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