Back in the spring, I received a phone call, from Joanne. She and her husband, John were looking to find two helical anchor’s, that had once held their floating dock, in place. Approximately 8 years ago, they had the floating dock removed from the water, at the Camp Ellis, Saco, Maine property, on the Saco River. The property was near the mouth of the Saco River and was is a tidal river. The helical anchors would only be able to be found, by me and my metal detector, at low tide. Joanne and John wanted to know if I could find the anchors. I told them as long as the anchors were no more than 5 feet deep, I would absolutely give it my best shot. Joanne told me that at low tide, we should be no more than 3-4 feet deep, in the river water.
We’re the anchors now to deep, in the river mud and silt, after 8 years of just sitting, on the river bed? We wouldn’t know, until we tried. Joanne also told me that the search, would have to happen, sometime in the summer, as she and John would be returning to Florida. We agreed that they would call me when they returned to Maine and we would set up a date, to search, that would also be a negative low tide.
Fast forward to August, when John called me and we set up a date, to search for the helical anchors. The date we set was August 23rd, 2024, at 7:30am. This was approximately an hour before a negative -0.09 low tide. This would be perfect for what we need to do in the Saco River.
I arrived promptly at 7:30am and was met by Joanne and John. They showed me the area, we would be searching and if found, we would tie a couple of bouys, to the anchors, to mark their location. I then was told that there were large metal chains, that were attached to the anchors and if I could find the chains, under all the mud and silt, we could just pull the chains up and out of the muck and they would lead us, directly to the anchors. John even brought a long handle Cultivator Rake along, to rake the muck and silt, hoping to snag the metal chain, once found with my metal detector.
As John and I entered the river, we were pleasantly surprised to find the water to be very warm. I started searching the bottom of the river and within a few minutes, I received a very loud signal, in my headphones. The target wasn’t anywhere near where the helical anchors should be and John came over with the rake. He started raking, into the muck and soon snagged a large chain. This chain should lead us to the anchor. John and I started lifting the chain, out of the river bottom and followed it out, until it stopped. John reached down and found the chain was hooked to one of the anchor’s. WOW, that was easy, I thought to myself. The anchor lined up almost perfectly with the piling, on the right side of the pier, as we faced it, while standing in the river. John thought the other anchor should be to the left of this anchor and lined up with the other piling. So, I moved over to the other piling and searched back and forth, without any targets being found. After about 10 minutes of searching, I couldn’t find the anchor or the other chain. As Joanne, now in the river with us, started tying the buoy to the anchor we had just found, she came upon a chain that we thought was the same chain, I had found a few minutes earlier. We all thought that I should start searching to the right, of the found anchor, and not the left side, where I was searching . Within a few minutes of searching I received a strong signal and as John reached down, into the water and muck, he let us know that he could feel the helical and a chain. Awesome, we found both of the helical anchors. After Joanne finished tying the second buoy to the second anchor, we measured the distance of the anchors, from the pilings, just in case the buoys don’t hold up, through the winter.
We then exited the river, with all the tools and detector, to rinse the muck off of ourselves. As we were standing around talking about what we just accomplished, I asked John what the cost would have been, to have two new helical anchors, in place, if we hadn’t found the two anchors, already there. John told me he wasn’t sure of the exact cost but they would be at least $1,000.00 each or $2,000.00 minimum for the pair. Thankfully John and Joanne won’t need to do that, now that the anchors have been found.
So, it’s not always jewelry, that I find. I have found water shutoff valves and property markers in the past and now I can add helical anchors, to the list. I’m just so thankful that I am able to help people like Joanne and John and save them some of their hard earned money.
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