Two Gold and One Silver Ring Lost In The Old Orchard Beach, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday July 27, my wife Cheryl and I were attending a family event, in Limington, Maine. We were there for approximately 35-40 minutes, when my phone rang at 4:02pm. I answered and a a young lady asked for The Ring Finder. I told her that I was The Ring Finders of Maine. She then told me that she had just lost 2 Gold Rings and a Silver Ring. When I asked where she had lost the rings, she said Old Orchard Beach, Maine. She then wanted to know how much my service charge was. I told her that I don’t charge for my Emergency Metal Detecting Service or for my time. I told her that all I required was a $10.00 fee to cover my gas, tolls and wear and tear, to Old Orchard Beach. She then told me that her father wanted to talk to me. I told him the same thing, about my transportation fee and told him, “$10.00 and that’s it”. He agreed and told me his name was Bill. I then told Bill that I would be there in 45 minutes, as I was driving from Limington and not from my home, in Saco.

I already had 2 metal detectors loaded up, in my vehicle , in the event, of being called out. I immediately left Limington and drove the 45 minutes, to OOB, arriving at 4:53. I met Bill and his daughter, Julia. Julia was visiting her father, who lives in the area and Julia lives in the Montreal, Quebec area. They were staying in Old Orchard Beach, Maine and were enjoying their family vacation.

Once I arrived, I parked the vehicle at the Sir Charles Motel, where the family was staying. Julia then explained to me that she had lost the 3 rings, on the beach and knew the area. They were sitting directly in front of Abellona Inn & Suites. Julia told me that 2 of the rings were Gold and had belonged to her late Grandmother. One of the rings was a Silver Pandora Ring, given to her, by her boyfriend. Julia explained that she had taken the rings off and had placed them in the cup holder, of her chair, because she didn’t want to lose them, in the water. She then went swimming, in the ocean and totally forgot about the rings in the cup holder. A few hours later, when it was time to leave, her brother folded the chairs up, and the entire family returned to their motel room. Once back in the room, Julia remembered the rings and when she checked her chair, they were missing. Julia and her family, retraced their steps, down the street, to the beach but after searching the area, couldn’t find them. It was then that someone sitting, in the area, told Julia to call me, The Ring Finders of Maine.

Bill and Julia then walked me down to the beach. We visually searched the sidewalk and road, in the case the rings had fallen out of the cup holder, while they were walking, along the pavement. No luck. The rings were not on the pavement. When Julia and I arrived at the beach access path, I asked Julia to walk to the location, they had been in, using the same route, that they had left the beach. I would follow Julia and search their exit route. I found a nickel and a few small pieces of foil, but no rings. When I arrived at the location they had been sitting in, I could see where they had disturbed the sand, looking for the rings. I told Julia, I would start at the high tide line and grid back and forth, towards the Abellona Inn & Suites, in which they were sitting, in front of. I searched for about 10-15 feet and I received the tone, I was hoping for, a nice solid low tone. I stuck my pinpointer, into the sand, found my target and pulled out a Gold Ring. Julia yelled out, “Thats my Grandmother’s ring”. I gave Julia the ring and continued my search, but only for 2 steps, as I received another low tone, stuck the pinpointer, into the sand and pulled out Gold Ring # 2. Julia was now extremely happy, getting both of her grandmothers rings back. Now, the silver ring needs to be found. I started my search again, I almost immediately received a nice higher pitched tone, pinpointer in, silver ring out. I had recovered all three of Julia’s rings. She was so happy and I could see the emotions, in her eyes. She kept thanking me and was just so appreciative.
I then drove straight back to Limington, to enjoy the remainder of our family event. Total time I left Limington Maine, parked in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, walked to the beach, searched for the rings, left Old Orchard Beach Maine and arrived back in Limington, was just under 2 hours. There were people, at our family event that didn’t even realize that I ever left.
There is no better feeling, than to be able to return such sentimental items to someone. Every ring has a story and Julia’s rings now have another story, to be told.

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