Keys Found in Snowbank in Ada, MI.

  • from Holland (Michigan, United States)
Got a call from Samatha that she lost her car key and a mailbox key.  She was walking from her garage to her apartment when she thinks she dropped the keys.  The trouble was that it was snowing at that time and the plow driver came thru shortly after and plowed the entire parking lot.  I arrived last night at 9PM to search for the keys, searching the inside of her car and the route she took back to her apartment-no luck.  I told her I would be back tomorrow to do a more thorough search.  Arrived today around 1:00PM, much warmer.  The key tech arrived at about the same time to make her a new car key and Samatha and Buddy(her dog) came out to meet us.  I told her I was going to search the big snow pile first and she went on to talk to the key tech.  I got to the second side of the snow pile and got a screaming hit on the metal detector.  Dug down about a foot in the snow and there were her keys.  Somebody had to be watching down on us.
Walked over to her holding the keys in the air and she almost fainted.  Now she only needed a spare key from the key guy.

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One Reply to “Keys Found in Snowbank in Ada, MI.”

  1. Donna says:

    Another great job Dave!

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