Metal detector service to help find lost rings in Del Mar San Diego

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)



   The Ring Finders San Diego Metal Detector service is here to help you find your lost buried treasures. Call or text Curtis Cox @ 760 889 2751.

 Del Mar California is where the Turf meets the surf they say. One day recently this summer Justin was showing son how to boogie board in the shoreline where suddenly his wedding ring slipped off to meet the surf,,,Oh No!!!

 What does one do now?? This special ring that he’s had for over ten years just disappeared into the shallow Pacific Ocean!   Being optimistic with some hope left he went online & found my contact info.  From there we spoke via text with details of location including reward offered if I could find it.

 After a vigorous 3-4hrs in the middle of the night during king low tide with out any luck, I let Justin know I’m planning to head back that same day hoping he can meet up as I could be off a bit in the area it was lost. After searching & searching again with the same bad luck,,I headed back to my truck like a skunk with my head down then suddenly there’s Jason!  It was good to see him especially after he confirmed I was just too North of the main boogie board spot.

  The hunt was on again,,After another 15-20min I got a perfect signal on my Water proof advanced pulse induction metal detector that indicated to me the possible presence of a Ring.

 This was tough though as I was waist-chest deep waiting on the waves to calm down before scooping it up.  I managed to accurately get it with one quick shovel scoop before the next wave…Patiently I waited the surf again to see what was inside…Low & behold it was Justin’s precious platinum wedding ring!

  Justin was extremely relieved once I got him & the Ring safely ashore as you can see in the photo. This ring meant the world to him and now he’s got it back. “Who ya gonna call?”. 760 889 2751

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