Augusto Vincenzo

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

My service is on a Reward basis, you only pay if the item is found.

However, there will be a call out fee of R$30,00 to cover my gas expenses if your ring is not found.

Meu serviço é à base de recompensa. Você só paga se o item for encontrado. Porém, uma taxa de R$30,00 será cobrada para cobrir custo com combustível se seu item não for encontrado.

Search Types

Beaches, parks, yards, in water up to half a meter deep

Praias, praças, quintais ou áreas em geral, e em água até meio metro de profundidade.

Search Locations

Rio de Janeiro, Niterói and most cities within a two hour drive (further distances to be discussed)

Rio de Janeiro, Niterói e a maioria das cidades dentro de uma distância aproximada de 2 horas. (distâncias maiores a serem discutidas)

Augusto Vincenzo's Bio

My name is Augusto Vincenzo and I am 52 years old! Married 26 years with 2 children.

Meu nome é Augusto Vincenzo, tenho 52 anos. Casado a 26 anos e tenho 2 filhos.

I love my family, my friends, metal detecting, longboard Surfing and the good old Rock n Roll !

Amo minha família, amigos, metal detecting, surf de pranchão e o velho e bom Rock n Roll.

I have been metal detecting for about a year now and it has quickly become a passion, besides, I have always loved the excitement of finding lost things.

Venho detectando metal como hobby a pelo menos um ano e isso logo se tornou uma paixão, além do que sempre gostei da emoção de encontrar coisas perdidas.

Chris Turner’s Ring Finders is exactly the kind of thing I have always wanted to do: give people a second chance to find what they thought was lost forever.

O serviço criado por Chris Turner é exatamente o tipo de atividade da qual eu sempre quis fazer parte: dar às pessoas uma segunda chance de encontrar o que elas pensavam estar perdido para sempre.

Augusto Vincenzo - Recent Blog Post

  • Earrings and a six pack found at the beach (2023)

    Pair of earrings lost and found in Rio de Janeiro (and a six pack as well) Last Sunday, on a very hot winter afternoon, I was metal detecting at my favorite beach – Barra da Tijuca – I was about to call it a day, when I noticed three people searching for something on dry […]

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  • Wedding band lost in sand court in Rio de Janeiro (2022)

    A few days ago I was contacted by a young man who had lost his wedding band, that had belonged to his grandfather, at a volleyball sand court near Barra da Tijuca, here in Rio de Janeiro. He had lost it a couple days before and was very upset because he had tried to find […]

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  • ME ENCONTRE! (2020)

  • Gold medal found by Theringfinder member (2019)

    A few weeks ago I was detecting on my favorite beach – Barra da Tijuca, on my favorite spot – Praia do Pepê, when a couple approached and asked me if I could help them find a gold medal they had lost a few minutes before. They told me they were tourists from the capital, […]

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  • Wedding band lost in volleyball sand court (2019)

    Almost in the end of winter here in Rio de Janeiro, I received a call from Leo. He had lost his wedding band playing volleyball on a sand court. When I got there I was met by him and his adorable wife who were really upset about the loss. He told me he was pretty […]

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