#metaldetectorforhire Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Wedding Ring Found in Spring Hill Tennessee

  • from Nashville (Tennessee, United States)

I received a phone call from Gabriel on 01-28-2025. Gabriel explained that yesterday he was throwing some bird food (old bread) into an empty field across the street from his house, and he felt his gold wedding band fly off his hand and surely land in the field

. He and his family members spent hours scouring the vacant lot, which was mostly muddy with patches of weeds. Gabriel and his wife were heading out of town, but he put me in contact with his mother-in-law, Leisa. I made the 45 minute drive to Gabriel’s house and was met there by Leisa. She showed me the general area where she thought Gabriel was standing when he threw the bread into the field. There were still pieces of bread in the field to show the direction Gabriel threw.

I searched the field for just over an hour with only a few coin and can slaw pieces, along with extremely mud caked boots to show for it.

After getting the mud off my boots I walked across the street to Gabriel’s front yard. I searched the side to the left of the driveway, and nothing. I went to the side to the right of the driveway, and a few minutes later I got that signal in my headphones that told me, “You found me!” Yes! There it was, concealed by the lush green grass. No digging needed.

I called Leisa back to Gabriel and her daughter’s home. With a straight face I told her that there was no way that Gabriel’s ring was in the field. I told her I searched well beyond the borders where the ring would have landed and didn’t find it. Leisa had a bummed look on her face. I told Leisa I ran my detector over the grass in the front yard, and held the ring up and asked if this looked like Gabriel’s ring. That sad face turned into the biggest smile and may have even brought a few tears of joy. She explained that Gabriel’s wedding ring had been blessed before he married her daughter, and the ring meant so much to them.

Leisa called Gabriel, who was driving out of state and told them the great news. She had them on speaker phone so I could hear the excitement myself. Meeting wonderful people in my beautiful new home state of Tennessee and re-uniting them with their lost treasures is a great thing. It doesn’t get much better.