I got a call the other day from Cecily, she was referred to me by mr Lin, who I had helped last weekend in the Palisades fire on Friday find some lost valuables, she explained that her 85 years old father who is a retired school teacher just cashed out his retirement account and put the majority of the money into gold bars. He put the them all in a shoes box and put them on the top shelf of his closet, and there they sat until the apartment building burned to the ground in the Palisades fire. I met with Cecily near one of the police checkpoints and followed her to where her mother and father’s home used to be, after putting on the hazmat suit, gloves and mask, I walked up the cement stairs to the corner of the house where she thought the closet used to be, after about an hour of moving heavy metal and cutting through drywall chicken wire, I started sifting through the ash and debris, Cecily started give up hope, after another hour or so I shoveled about 5 shovelfuls into the top screen, I paused and my eyes first caught the rectangular shapes, then there they were the glitter of gold. I called Cecily over, I pointed in the screen, and she said what is that, I smiled and said your father’s retirement fund, she screamed and cried, and called her parents right away with the good news, I kept digging and found 30 solid gold bars in total, everything that he had lost. My parents were both teachers, and I know what unsung heroes they were, so reuniting these gold bars with her dad and saving his retirement meant a great deal to me as well as him and his family.