Recovery and Return #45
As I was driving, my phone rang. I then saw a voicemail, had been left. The transcription of the voicemail was as follows
“Hello Mr. Boothby my name is William B****** . I am in vacation luxury beach . I just lost my ring, my wedding ring . I did it, in front of the Seawatch Condominiums, at high tide. Right around the junction where the water was just highest, near the dry sand so not in the water. It was right in front of the Pink building. I am leaving tomorrow back to Quebec City and I am leaving at 9 AM. So, if you ever have an opportunity, to come check it out and I don’t know how The Ring Finders of Maine thing works. Call me back 5**-***-****. It would be really really appreciated so please call me back thank you . My name is William B****** thank you bye…”
The voicemail had been left at 4:48pm and I immediately called him back. He and his wife were at the beach, but couldn’t find the Wedding Ring. I told William that I could be there, at approximately 6:30pm. I needed to get home, get my metal detecting gear and drive to Old Orchard Beach. I also told William that I do not charge, for my time or my Emergency Metal Detecting Service. I do require a $10.00 Transportation Fee, to cover my gas, tolls and wear and tear, etc.. William readily agreed to that.
Once I arrived home, I called William and told him I would be there within a 1/2 hour. William and his wife, would meet me, at the end of Cleaves St., Between The Seawatch Condominium and the Sandpiper Beachfront Motel.
If you know anything about Old Orchard Beach, Maine, you know that parking, is very difficult, to say the least. My wife often drives me down, drops me off and will return, to pick me up later. I can’t tell you how much this helps me and she is an absolute angel, to support me, in this Ring Finder endeavor. So, a BIG shout out to my beautiful wife, Cheryl ❤️. She’s a real trooper, for putting up with me.
Once I arrived, I was met by William and he immediately took me down to the area, where he “Thinks” he lost his ring. When asked, he told me the Wedding Ring was Gold and Platinum and he just got married, a month ago. Wow, another newlywed. Plus, they were leaving, in the morning, going home to Quebec City. I just had to find it for them.
His wife Gabrielle was standing in the location , of where they hoped the ring would be. William and Gabrielle explained that they had been, at the beach, most of the day. They had taken a few walks, along the beach, swam in the ocean and when the tide came in, they were throwing a football around, at the high tide line and the dry sand. It was at this point, late in the day, that William noticed his ring was missing. Could he have lost it, in the water, on one of their walks or when he throwing the football? Both William and Gabrielle thought and were hoping it would be in the dry sand, where they were throwing the football.
William then showed me where he and Gabrielle were standing, while throwing the football. Approximately 50 feet separated the two of them. I then asked William if he was left or right handed. He is left handed, meaning the ring could have come off, and flown towards the water, at high tide. I decided to perform a grid, starting where William was standing, to approximately 5-10 feet past where Gabrielle was standing. I would also start approximately 5-10 feet to the left, of where William was standing, in case the ring flew off, towards the water, at high tide. I also want to search this area of the dry sand, because the beach cleaning machine, rakes the beach up and removes all the trash, from the beach. If I didn’t find the ring, before the beach was cleaned, the ring could be lost forever, in a landfill somewhere.
On my first pass, towards Gabrielle’s area, absolutely nothing. I then pivoted 1/2 step to my right, turned around and started back towards William. Approximately 5 feet, from where William had been standing, while throwing the football, I heard a very nice low tone, through my headphones, of my metal detector. I then looked at my VDI screen and saw a reading of 12-23. A very good sign, and exactly the reading , I would expect, for a Gold and Platinum Wedding Ring. I then turned around at looked at both William and Gabrielle and told them, “I think this is your ring”. I was that confident. William and Gabrielle walked towards me, as I plunged my pinpointer, into the sand. I immediately found the target, pulled a handful of sand up and there was a Gold and Platinum wedding ring. I had found his ring, right where they thought it might be and found in approximately 2 minutes.
They were both smiling , from ear to ear and were just stunned, with joy and disbelief I had found his ring. William put the ring, back on his finger, as quickly as he could. Here’s wishing many, many years of marital bliss to this young couple. I am just so happy to have been a part of getting this ring back to him.