Nikki Ciaccio was sitting on her deck talking to her dad when a very sentimental ring flew off her finger. Her dad immediately contacted me after finding my profile on The RingFinders. I returned his call and we made plans to search their yard the next day. The ring has been handed down to the ladies of the family since the early 1900’s, on their 16th birthdays. Nikki said she has worn the ring since receiving it from her mother, who just recently passed away.
They showed me the area where they thought the ring could have fallen from the deck. Nikki watched me search for awhile and then as she turned to go inside, I got a hit and found her ring. She ran back to me and gave me a big hug. I was so happy to return the ring to her and see her smiles. When needing professional metal detector service in Eastern, PA, call Tracy at 610-207-8677
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