Steven Andrews, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 2 of 7

How to find a lost ring in a Volleyball court … Va Beach!!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This young man lost his ring while playing volleyball. We gridded the court off and after about 30 minutes we located the lost ring!

Platinum Ring Recovered in Virginia Beach!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This man was heartbroken when he lost his platinum wedding band! He was throwing a football in the ocean when he saw the ring fly off his finger! Another successful ocean recovery!

local news covers lost and found ring in Va Beach!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This ring goes back 50 years! They were visiting friends in Va Beach when his ring from his fathers original marriage over 50 years ago came off in the water.  Searching the water can be difficult with wind, waves, tides and shifting sands working against you! It did take several attempts but we were fortunate enough to recover this lost family heirloom! News story here –

Cartier Love Ring Lost and Found in Va Beach!!!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This beautiful Cartier ring was lost in some thick brush and sticker bushes!After over an hour of getting stuck with thorns and watching out for snakes we finally struck gold! The owners did not want to be on camera!

Credit card found in Va Beach!!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

I was detecting after a concert at Va Beach and found a credit card on the sand. After a google search of the owner I was able to locate him. He did not realize it was even lost yet! At ring finders it does not matter what the item is it is getting back to the owner!

Cell phone lost and found Va Beach!!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

I was walking off the beach and noticed a cell phone just sitting on the boardwalk. I asked around and nobody claimed it. I picked the phone up and it was unlocked! I called a recent number on the phone and told him the story and he turned to his friend in the room and said “where is your phone”. He did not even know it was missing yet. Phone returned!

Sentimental Wedding Band Returned!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Mark was playing football out in about 4 foot of water when his ring came off. I had to wait until the next day due to the tide. It took me about 2 hours and had to get Mark to come out and help me locate where he had been. They were both very grateful and happy with the return.

The Grass Ate it!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Josh lost his ring in the yard and could not find it! He searched online and found my number. It was definitely a little harder to find than I thought! He said his wife will be happy and I got him off the hook!

Lost Ring In Va Beach Returned!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This ring has history! Here is the story. My wife’s name is Emme and we had been dating for about a year and for Valentine’s Day in 1995 I gave it to her she never really took it off until her mother passed away and then she started wearing her mothers jewelry and as my daughter started getting older she would go through her mother’s jewelry and that ring never seemed to be off her finger. Rachel just turned 18 in July of this year and we were in Virginia looking at colleges and we had a free day to go to the beach and she was worried about losing her jewelry in the water so she removed it and put it in her jeans pocket and after swimming she decided to go to the bathroom to get changed and that’s when she realized it was all gone. And fortunately that’s when we discovered you your services very happy we did. Can’t thank you enough 🍀

I got lucky on this one!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

This was a shocker! Got a call about a lost engagement ring but she did not know if it was lost at the beach or not. She just noticed it missing when she got home. These can be tough! I searched one area for an hour with no luck and as I was leaving I hit a good target and it was the ring! Got lucky!