Mens Gold Wedding Band Lost On Studland Beach, Dorset

  • from Bournemouth (England, United Kingdom)

Mr & Mrs Pete Nobbs from Halesowen, West Mids & their son Matt enjoyed a break in Dorset and visited the picturesque beach of Studland, Dorset.  That evening they returned to their hotel minus Petes gold wedding band that had slipped off his finger into the advancing tide as he waded through the sandy waters with his son. They spent hours in vain searching to no avail. Coincidentally they recalled seeing the BBC TV report on me & The Ring Finders only the night before!

They called me that evening and we met an hour later on the beach where the tide by now was much higher than earlier. We searched the dry and wet sand… nothing! Our search then lead us into the waters trying to retrace their steps. However after searching like this and without the need of the detector.. still sitting upright and proud of the sand.. the ring revealed itself. Its such a good feeling to make people happy again and see the gratitude and the Nobbs family certainly showed theirs.   They also kindly donated to the Air Ambulance to which I am most gratefulphoto (4)photo (6).

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