Last night I got a call from a guy who had lost his custom made white gold wedding ring. It’s a beautiful ring with trees and mountains on it. He had been cutting branches and trees that had fallen into his road. He had set the chainsaw down and was brushing the snow and sawdust from his pants when his ring went flying off. It was quite cold out, so naturally his fingers had shrunk a little .
He searched the area for a long time, but was unable to find it because the snow on the ground was probably hiding it, or it had ended up in the muddy ditch with running water in it. He later found my name on The Ring Finders website and called me instead of trying a rental, which might not even work right.
So, today after work I went over to help. I got a signal right off, but thought it might be from the large metal culvert under the road. I checked it with the pinpointer and there it was, barely covered with snow. We were happy to find it this evening because there’s a huge snowstorm predicted for tonight and tomorrow. We definitely didn’t want a snowplow to drag it down the road!
The best part of this story was that tonight is his wedding ANNIVERSARY !!
I love this hobby!
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