Lost Wedding Ring Found in Montpelier Vermont

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)

Last week I got an email from a guy who lost his wedding ring. His dogs go to work with him and around 11:00 each day he takes them for a walk on nearby trails in the woods. While driving home, he noticed his ring was missing from his finger. It had been getting tight on his fourth finger so he was wearing it on his pinky until he could get it resized. He had been wearing it every day for over 20 years, so it was hard to have it missing.
We made arrangements to meet on a day that he was in town, and do the initial search together so he could show me the areas he had been with the dogs. I asked the usual detective questions like did he fall anywhere, or did he throw a stick or ball for them, etc. He did remember one area where he had to hang onto his energetic dogs while a strange dog walked by. So, I suggested we concentrate there first. After a quick search near his office, we went up to that spot. A nice strong signal rang out and I reached down with the pinpointer. There it was, out of sight, pushed down into the soft soil by someone stepping on it. We cleaned it up and it was still in perfect condition. Sure seemed nice to have it back where it belonged, he was very happy and so was I! I love these successful searches!

Please click on my name above for more about this service, my contact information and other success stories.


I received a very nice thank you letter from him:
“Mike, I cannot tell you how many people have heard this story and were amazed (myself included). You are a good man and are doing a great thing……I will never be able to look at the ring again without thinking of this. Thanks again”

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