New Era, Michigan ring recovered

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

I got a call today from Clayton K. who lost his wedding ring. He explained that he was playing football  on the shore of Lake Michigan in about a foot or two of water when he notices his ring had fallen off. He immediately marked the area where he was when he discovered it was gone. While Clayton was at work this afternoon, my Ringfinder friend Dave Boyer and myself, took the 77 mile trip to help find the ring. When arriving at the cottage’s rented by the family to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Clayton’s grandparents we were greeted by all the family anxiously waiting our arrival. Dave and I got busy searching through the one foot waves and cool summer water, after about 20 minutes Dave got a good signal and called me over to scoop up the sand. Finding nothing I moved my detector a couple of feet at the edge of the lake, where the waves roll in and bury everything in the area, and got a good ring signal. As I dug for the treasure the waves would fill in the hole with more sand. It was like taking one step forward and two steps back. After an unsuccessfully search I gave the job to Dave who dug several scoops of sand and after going down about 18 inches he was able to recover the white gold wedding band.

The family all clapped and took pictures while Clayton’s wife ran the ring up to the cottage to call Clayton for verification that it was his ring. After she came back saying it was his we headed back up the 50 plus stairs to the parking area. It was a happy day for all the family. Seeing that Clayton was at work I had his parents Jennifer and Mike stand in for our book of smile picture.

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