White Lake, MI surrenders heirloom ring

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

I received a call yesterday from Laura R. referred to me by a fellow Ring Finder Tom Towsend, she lost a ring that was given to her from her grandmother through an aunt who both past away. Laura and her family are vacationing in a family home on Lake Michigan from Dallas, Texas. Saturday night after a party at the Yacht Club Laura was down on the dock with her brother securing their boat when she slipped into the water, while Laura’s brother was pulling Laura out of the water her ring slipped off her hand.

This morning my diving partner Greg Lewis and I went out to the boat dock and met Laura. After about and hour of searching in a very weedy lake the ring was recovered and returned to Laura’s finger. It was a pleasure meeting Laura and learning about her background as an artist in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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