Key Fob Lost In The Ocean Park, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I received a phone call at 5:00pm and the caller identified himself as Bob. Bob had lost his key fob, on the beach, in Ocean Park, Maine, but wasn’t 100% sure, it was actually lost, on the beach.

Bob explained that he had parked his vehicle, on Temple Ave, across from the store and then walked the streets and sidewalk, to Randall Ave. Bob remembered locking his vehicle, prior to walking, to Randall Ave and THINKS he put the key fob, in his beach chair. After a while, Bob, his wife Karen and their friend Anne had picked up all their belongings, chairs included and moved approximately 75-100 feet north, of their original position, on the beach. As the group were enjoying the last few days of their trip, to Ocean Park, Bob realized he couldn’t find his key fob. The three of them searched the area around the chairs and the area they had originally been sitting at. No key fob was found. Bob then called me to see if I could come down, to search for the key fob.
I arrived at Randall Ave, in Ocean Park, along with my wife Cheryl, at 5:50pm. We were met a few minutes later by Bob, Karen and Anne. I asked Bob to show me and explain to me, once again, what had happened, when he lost his keys. Bob walked me down to the first location, that the group had been sitting in. As I usually do, I demonstrated how my metal detector works, to the group. I took my key fob, placed it, on the beach and ran my Minelab Manticore’s coil, over the fob. This is to show the client that detector will pick up the signal and the sound I will hear, through my headphones.
I then told the group that I would perform a grid search, of the first area they had sat. If I didn’t find the key fob, in this area, I would then search the path they took, to the second area and then the second area, they had been sitting, would be searched.
As I gridded the first area, I was finding the usual beach trash. Pull tabs, bread ties, staples and foil, were the most found items, in the 1st section, but no key fob was found.
I then started searching the pathway, to the second sitting area and no key fob was found there either. I was grid searching the second sitting area and wasn’t finding much at all. As I was about to turn around and start my last grid line, in the area, I received a promising signal and found the target with my pinpointer. As I put my hand into the sand, I felt around and pulled out Bob’s key fob. I turned around, held the fob, up in the air and told the group, “I found it”.
Bob, Karen and Anne jumped off the bench, they were watching me from and made a beeline, to me. They were all so excited, happy and beaming ear to ear. The three of them told Cheryl and I that Karen and Anne were leaving the next day, going home to the Binghampton, NY area. Bob was going to be staying, in Ocean Park, for an extra two days or so, before heading home. If I hadn’t found the key fob, Karen and Anne were going to get the spare key fob, in Binghamton and somehow get it to Bob, in Ocean Park. In the interim, Bob would be without a vehicle and that was going to be a huge inconvenience. No they do not have to worry about this.
Thankfully, I was able to recover the key fob, in approximately 30 minutes and all three of the group, let out a big collective sigh. You could just see and feel the relief, on all three of them. All three of them were also in awe of me finding the fob and Bob said he couldn’t believe it. I am just so fortunate, to be able to help people like Bob, Karen and Anne. Seeing all those smiles will always be a very special feeling for me.

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