Monday evening, August 12th, I received the following text
“Hey my name is Meaghan ****, I lost my glasses at Old Orchard Beach. Would your metal detector be able to detect glasses?
I immediately replied back
“Hi Meaghan, So sorry to hear this. I am actually in Raymond, Maine at the moment and if I do search for the glasses, it would have to be, first thing in the morning. But a few questions
1) When did you lose them?
2) Where exactly , did you lose them?
3) I have detected glasses, in the past, that have metal on them. Do these have metal on them?
Also, just to be up front, I do not charge for my Time or my Metal Detecting Service. I do however, require a Transportation Fee of just $10.00 to Old Orchard Beach. This is to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear, etc..”
Meaghan replied back with,
“I lost them today at 3pm in the water right next to the pier on the left side, they do have metal. I have a picture of my sunglasses that are the same exact frame as my regular prescription glasses. I live in New Hampshire and had to go back down for the night but I can come back up to OOB in the morning to meet up with you.
I replied with, “
Ok, in the water means I need to figure out the tides, etc.. if I get a good description of the area, I can go down by myself, tomorrow morning.
I also want to let you know that once glasses are in the water, sand and surf, they are very, very unlikely to be wearable again. I have been metal detecting for almost 25 years and the glasses that have been in the water, sand and surf will have scratches on the lenses and possibly bent frames. Just so you know. Not trying to discourage you from trying to find them but just want you to be aware of the strong possibility of the glasses not being any good”.
Meaghan replied with, “I kind of figured they would be unwearable, when I first get them back, if they are found. I did get insurance on them so I can get the lenses and frame replaced, Unfortunately the insurance I got does not cover loss.”
I told Meaghan that the insurance changes everything and I would absolutely attempt to find them. Meaghan told me the prescription glasses were in excess of $600.00 to replace but only if she can get her missing glasses back, because they weren’t insured for “loss”. She has replacement insurance for accidental damage but only if she still has the glasses. I just need to find them and save Meaghan, over $600.00.
I sent Meaghan a photo of the Old Orchard Beach Pier area, in which I made square areas and numbered them. I then asked Meaghan if one of the numbered sections, were the area she had lost her glasses. She replied
“I was knee high in the water when a nice wave took me out and then another took me under, so I wasn’t too far in. I was not even 100 ft from the pier on the left side of it. And I would not expect anyone to go in the water if it’s not safe conditions. It was section 8.”
I told Meaghan that the heavy wave action and rip currents, may keep me from going out into the water but that would be determined, in the morning, when I arrived, at the beach to search. I told her my plan was to arrive, at the Pier area about 9:30am, for an 11:38am low tide. I would search the slope , down to the water and if the glasses were not found, on the slope, I would enter the water and continue to search.
I did arrive, just prior to 9:30am and the beach was fairly empty. I immediately got to the top of the slope and searched horizontally, to the water. I was searching the slope, from the OOB Pier, to Surf 6, back and forth, back and forth, finding nothing but a few coins. I had been keeping Meaghan updated with the search and had sent some photos. She agreed that I was in the correct area and that the glasses shouldn’t be too far out, in the water. I entered the water and continued the back and forth, horizontal search. I went up to Surf 6, turned around, came back to the pier, turned around and headed back towards Surf 6. Maybe 50-75 feet from the pier, I received a broken up signal, in my headphones. Loud, but not a sold tone and definitely broken up and scratchy. I have heard this signal before and thought this just may be Meaghan’s glasses. I was now, knee deep in the water and though the waves were much calmer than they have been recently, I still had to watch the rolling waves, so I wasn’t surprised and get knocked around. I plunged my scoop, into the water and sand, pulled it up and nothing. I rechecked the hole, I had just dug and the target was still there. I took another scoop of sand and I saw the glasses fall out of the scoop, as I pulled the scoop, out of the water. I reached down as quickly as I could and grabbed the glasses, on the sandy, ocean floor. I then walked out of the water and took a few photos and sent them to Meaghan. She replied
“Omg thank you so much! I have to get gas and I will be on my way to grab them!”
Meaghan, who lives in the Manchester, NH area, told me she would be arriving approximately 12:45pm. I told her that I would be available to meet her, just let me know when she was close. When Meaghan arrived at the Hannaford’s, in Saco, I returned her glasses and she was so excited and happy, to have them back. She said she was heading right to the Optometrist and getting a new pair of glasses. I am so happy to have helped Meaghan save in excess of $600.00. I absolutely love helping people with my Emergency Metal Detecting Services and now, I have a new addition, to my “Book of Smiles”.
As with all clients, I will honor their wishes of not have their photos, published on social media. Meaghan has asked me not to use her photo and I will honor her wish.
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