Gold Wedding Band Lost In The Sand, Recovered and Returned

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Sunday July 30, 2023 is a day I will never forget. I was able to recover and return, not 1, not 2, but 3 rings in one day.  The first recovery happened as I was already at the beach and detecting down near the low tide line. A woman approached me and asked if I could find her gold wedding ring. I asked her if she had lost it in the water. She replied that she had lost it up in the dry sand. I then asked her how she lost it. She told me that she had taken her ring off and placed it on her towel so that she could go swimming in the ocean. As we walked to the area where she lost it, she told me her name was Joanne and that Joanne had come to the beach with her family and some friends. When we arrived at the location of where she lost it, she told me that she picked up the towel to dry off, after swimming in the ocean and the ring must have fallen into the sand. She then pointed to the area where she thought it had fallen into the sand. I passed the 17 in coil of my CTX-3030 over the area and on the backswing , I received a sold target and then got the pinpointed out, located the target and Joanne  had her wedding band back. Literally less than 20 seconds to locate the ring.
As she was thanking me, one of her friends asked me if I could find his ring. WHAT,  You lost your ring also? Yes, he replied. Wow, I couldn’t believe it. I will now finish the story on my next blog.


3 Replies to “Gold Wedding Band Lost In The Sand, Recovered and Returned”

  1. Robin says:

    Dennis came on a Sunday in 30 mins… found the ring in 10 mins! … had retrieved 3 today!

    1. Robin, So happy to have been able to help you all today. I have now posted the blog about Emily’s ring and you should be able to read it bow. Hope the photos will be in the “Book of Smiles” in the next day or so. Thank you for placing your trust in The Ring Finders.

      1. Robin says:

        You are awesome Dennis!

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