Gold wedding ring found in lake Michigan with a metal detector

I received a call from Joe while driving home from work today. He lost his wedding ring in 5 feet of water in Lake Michigan.

Joe and his bride of 6 days enjoyed a day at the beach on their honeymoon.

Joe stated he was swimming in deeper water, turned around, and headed back to shore. He felt and saw his ring come off his finger.

He tried to dive and catch the ring, but it went under the sand.

I drove an hour to meet Joe to get the ring back. I was in water up to my chin. I got a good tone on the Excalibur II, then scooped up the ring.

Apparently, Joe told everybody on shore what happened. As I returned Joe his ring, the audience on shore started clapping and yelling good job.

I thank Joe and his new bride for the generous reward. I love finding the Gold ones.





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One Reply to “Gold wedding ring found in lake Michigan with a metal detector”

  1. Lynn Afendoulis says:

    Wow—angels come in all sorts of packages. Thank you for helping my daughter’s wedding week include a sidebar with a happy ending!!

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