Metal Detecting Service Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you’ve lost something and need help don’t wait… Call ASAP 778-838-3463

I provide a Metal Detecting service here in Vancouver BC to help people find their lost Jewellery, cell phones, keys pretty much anything made of metal that they are seeking.

I’ve been successful over the years, but it’s becoming more difficult now with more and more detectorists out there searching the beaches. Its now time sensitive, if you’ve lost something at beach, park, lake or yard contact me as soon as possible.

Yesterday I got a call from a young lady, who lost her engagement ring and wedding band at Jericho Beach. She took them off to apply suntan lotion on her child. She didn’t realized until she got home that her rings were missing. She put them on the towel and forgot and shook the towel. You can imagine her stress level and how that would feel. And her husband and baby race back to the beach and search for three hours with no luck. The tide was coming in, and soon it would be underwater.

Over the phone I did not realize that they not on the dry sand here on the wet sand, when I got there, they left a mark on the beach I rich search for 20 minutes with no luck fortunately, Mike, her husband came back, and after assessing the area, he believed the rings would be in the water. He left for home and shortly after and waste depot water. I found both the rings they were so beautiful and I was so happy to be able to reunite them with her wedding and engagement ring. I love my job!



If you’ve lost something, don’t wait call ASAP 778-838-3463

Metal Detecting Service Vancouver, BC


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