Megan’s four diamond rings found in her Patagonia fleece jacket after ring finder Brian Rudolph guided the distraught young lady to search other specific places in our house, including her walk-in closet and checking all coat and jacket pockets.

Megan extremely happy and relieved that her four precious diamond rings were back where they had once belonged shortly after member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph, shared his advice and wisdom as to where the couple should continue searching for the rings.
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
I received a call from a fellow named Josh who was very concerned about the loss of his wife’s four diamond rings: There was an engagement ring consisting of an 18 karat yellow gold band with diamonds inset down both sides of the band and a 1.25 carat diamond with a halo of diamonds encircling the center solitaire stone of the ring. Secondly, a wedding ring consisting of an 18 karat yellow gold band with multiple medium size diamonds encircling half way around. Thirdly, an anniversary ring consisting of an 18 karat yellow gold band with multiple petite size diamonds. And lastly, an accent love ring consisting of an 18 karat yellow gold band with 7 baguette diamonds encircling the ring.
The couple was completely crushed over the loss of these rings because the jewelry meant everything to them. Like all special rings, they represent the love between two people and the irreplaceable moments in time when perfect love is expressed in the giving of these “symbols of love”.
After a week went by without being able to find the four rings anywhere in the couple’s SUV, on their lawn, in the garbage, and in their house, they really started to worry. Josh and Megan were selling their house and they hoped that the real estate agent or the house stager didn’t have anything to do with the disappearance of the jewelry. There was no way of telling and because of that it was a tremendous preoccupation especially for Megan who felt so guilty about losing the rings.
At some point, Josh went online and searched for help. He found THE RING FINDERS website, an international directory of metal detectorists who specialize in finding lost rings and other items of value. The desperate man called me immediately to discuss the disappearance of the four rings and how I might be able to help the couple in recovering the lost items.
I was so happy to talk with the couple that was obviously distressed and desperate to find the diamond rings. During the hour and a half conversation, as always, I asked every question imaginable in order to get a perfect understanding of all of the places that Megan had been and all of her actions leading up to the disappearance of the jewelry. I was conducting an investigation and there wasn’t a single question that I held back. In dealing with situations like this one, a professional ring finder like me tries to climb into that couple’s world and then attempts to hypothesize what might have happened to the missing items.
When I received all of the answers to my inquiries, I gave Megan some suggestions as to where she should search based on the information that she had given me. Two highlighted areas that I strongly recommended Megan to check and double check were her walk-in closet and any jackets and coats that she may have missed looking in or that she forgot that she had been wearing the day that the rings went missing. Even though the young lady was very confident of what she was wearing and what she had already searched, Megan was still willing to do what I suggested just to make certain that she hadn’t missed anything.
Even while we were on the phone all that time talking, my potential client was already looking through the house and checking various places that I had suggested that she should carefully examine. I was extremely proud of her willingness to be guided by my experience and wisdom when it comes to conducting in-house searches. We all agreed that if the couple had no success finding the rings in the next few days (after focusing on the areas that I suggested for them to investigate), I would then come out to their place that Friday and conduct my own in-house search, lawn scan and vehicle check.
Before we got off the phone, I asked if the couple would join me in a prayer, asking the Lord to guide the two of them in their hunt for their very special keepsakes. I generally invite such prayers because I believe that God delights in objects that represent the covenant of marriage and symbols of betrothal. Why is this? Because it was God Himself who designed and instituted marriage and the betrothal step towards marriage. So why shouldn’t I believe that God will show favor to those who are faithful to uphold such covenants and promises and who desire to want to find such important irreplaceable symbols?!
After we finished praying over the phone, I told Megan, “I look forward to you calling me back with many tears of joy the moment that you find your beloved rings! I hope that I don’t even have to come out on Friday so that your nightmare will end much sooner than that!” Both Megan and Josh we’re quite encouraged by my words and our prayer time together. However, they admittedly expressed their continual skepticism based on the fact that the rings had not turned up for nearly a week after diligently searching everywhere. I just told them to remain in faith and to check the places that I recommended them to focus on.
To my delight, no more than 15 minutes after we all got off the phone, I received a call from the elated couple! The kind of excitement and joy that I witnessed hearing on the other end of the line was beyond measure! Megan was crying uncontrollably and Josh could not believe what had transpired! There is no accurate way to describe what had happened other than it being a true miracle of God!
This is what took place fifteen minutes before I had initially gotten off the phone with my clients: Megan went into her walk-in closet as I instructed her earlier to do. I told her to “doubt her doubts” as to where she thought the rings could “not” have ended up and to then check those very places – especially jackets and coats. So, with that advice, Megan went through boxes of winter clothes that she had packed up in the last week which would soon be transported to their new house in Pennsylvania. Those containers would not have been reopened until the following winter a year later. When the young lady inspected the clothing, one of the cold weather belongings happened to be her Patagonia fleece jacket. Immediately, Megan realized that she had worn that particular garment sometime during the previous week. Next, in following my advice to check and recheck all coat and jacket pockets, Megan placed one of her hands inside the left pocket and lo and behold…there they were! All four diamond rings could be felt by all five elated fingers of the desperate young lady! At that moment she was in complete disbelief! Apparently, Megan had forgotten that that particular jacket was quickly thrown on to wear as she went down the stairs while running late for daycare drop off. The ring would have taken a few seconds to put on, so the hurried mother thought to save time by planning to slip the rings on while walking the children out to her vehicle. Of course, that never happened… Megan completely forgot to put her rings back on and they remained in the pocket of the fleece jacket until that night when the couple contacted me. It was all so surreal! The tears began to flow from Megan’s eyes the moment that she realized that she wasn’t dreaming. Then the couple would soon embrace with much happiness and with a tremendous flow of emotional relief!
I couldn’t have been happier for the couple! Megan and Josh could not stop thanking me and telling me how unbelievable the whole experience was for them! They said that they wouldn’t have discovered the rings until a year later when Megan would once again wear her Patagonia jacket during the following winter up in Pennsylvania! The two expressed endless words of gratitude for my assistance and I could only humbly give the glory back to God! All of us rejoiced together on the phone as we gave thanks to the Lord for answering our joint prayer! I was so happy that I could be helpful to the couple in bringing such a dramatic and horrifying week to a conclusion through offering some of my best in-house ring finding advice and wisdom to Megan and Josh! It really was a very special moment for me that I will truly never forget!
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