Wedding Band Recovered in Cedar Point Canal

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)
TRF8 31 16-1

This is the location where the ring landed then fell between the boards into the water under the dock

TRF8 31 16-2

TRF8 31 16-3.

Chase called me this morning to give me a chance for an early morning swim.  His wedding band had fallen off the evening before and after trying to sift through the oyster shells and black silt under the dock Chase called off the hunt.  I knew the area where he had lost his ring and was on my was as soon as possible.  I must admit that I was a bit surprised at how deep the water under the dock was as it was every bit of 5 foot deep as I started the quest.  After pulling up a can tab, I found another strong signal.   It took a few more scoops in the murky water and I was quite pleased to find Chase’s ring laying in my scoop!

Chase’s story:

My wife and I were on our vacation having a great time until my ring slipped off my finger and splashed under the pier.  I had the worst feeling in my stomach not knowing if I’d ever see the ring again.  I started searching the internet and found. I thought what are the chances I could find a guy in Emerald Isle NC.  Then popped up Steven Ray.  Steven answered the phone at 7:30 AM and found my ring before 8:30 AM.  I was so relived that Steve answered the phone and found my ring.

Thanks Steven


Tags:  Cape Carteret lost, Cedar Point lost, Emerald lost, lost ring beach, metal detector rental

1 Comment »

One Reply to “Wedding Band Recovered in Cedar Point Canal”

  1. Jim Wren says:

    WTG Steve, great recovery!!!

    Jim Wren
    TRF N. Myrtle Beach

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