SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County
Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.
We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Lost Wedding Ring Set Recovered in Cypress Gardens
I am so blessed to have met these three men, Joe, Ed, and Mike.. On a Sunday afternoon, my husband and had just anchored the boat to let the kids get out and swim a bit. I was second to last to get off, we do not have a ladder for our pontoon but it was only a small drop to the 3 foot of water so i sat at the edge and went to kick off when my foot slipped on the pontoon. I still had my left hand on the door of the boat! My hand slid down the crease and my 3 rings were caught on the hinge! I could feel the sharp metal pierce my fingers and I was stuck, standing on my tippy toes, but hanging from one of my rings, out of instinct i snatched my hand and there went my rings into the water. 2 out of 3 that is, the 3rd one was still there but a bit mangled. My hand was covered in blood, it looked like i stuck my hand in a food processor. I wasn’t concerned about the pain, I wanted to find my rings, but being a nurse I was concerned about the bacteria in the lake water that could infect my wounds. My husband helped me back on the boat and the search began, literally 5 hours later and no luck. I would have stayed longer but the Florida weather would not allow and we had to get the kids back to dry land. It really had not sunk in, that my rings were gone, my hand was bandaged up and throbbing. I called the one person who I knew would feel my pain and help calm me down and come up with a solution. My sister Amanda went to work and thanks to the modern day internet she found this website, she was contacted by a gentleman named Joe who was eager to help and provided her with the contact info for another hunter named Mike Miller. I was in shock to find out that there was actually professional help out there for someone like me. I looked up the website and read the amazing stories from people just like me, who’s hearts were broken and they too thought they had lost it all. I called Mike right away and he asked a few questions and was very optimistic. We set a date for Saturday morning to meet at the dock. 6 days after the incident, I was still hopeful and had faith. I contacted Mike the night before to confirm and was informed, there would be not 1 or 2 but 3 hunters coming to my rescue!!! Well the rest I’m sure you can figure out, my prayers were answered! I will be forever grateful!! I will tell this story for years and let others know, if they are as unfortunate as I, there is Hope, thank you Suncoast Research and Recovery Club!