Lost Diamond Wedding Set in Sand at a Remote San Onofre State Beach .. Found by a RingFinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you need help finding a piece of jewelry call .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Available to help you now … 949-500-2136

*** Aimee and Kyle contacted me asking for help to find Aimee’s diamond wedding ring set lost in the sand. The loss occurred while they were at a remote beach in the San Onofre State Park. She had put her rings on a towel forgetting they were there until she had picked up the towel to shake the sand off. 

They said, they would be able to wait at the location till I got there. We could have set up a search for another day but it would require another trip for them. Also, it would be very stressful for Aimee to wait even one night believing her rings were never going to be found. 

The beach closes at sunset and I arrived with  enough time to do a proper search. We met in the parking lot on the cliff above the beach. A quarter mile walk down the trail to the beach led us to the place they had spent the day. A half hour after starting the grid search with no sign of the rings, everyone was getting nervous. 

Then Kyle pointed out the small area where the sand had a slight slope. A couple swings of my detector and we had the rings in the sand scoop. Sometimes we find them fast if we start in the right area and other times it could be a nail biter. If the rings are there the metal detector will find them. Another happy couple and they were very grateful for the help I was able to give them.

Timing is important call ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136  ..I Will Answer the Call… I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

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