Lost Car Key Fobs at Aliso Beach California.. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

















***** Joshua and his wife took a short trip from their home to Aliso Beach to watch the sunset over the ocean. Aliso Beach is part of the Orange County parks system located in south Laguna Beach. They were only there for less than an hour which was long enough for his wife to lose her set of 2 car key fobs. 

They didn’t realize the keys were missing until they arrived home. Joshua returned to the beach to see if he could find them with no success.

He was able to call me asking if I was available to help. He was assuming that we could meet the next morning. After finding out that the items lost were the expensive key fobs, I told him it would be best if we could meet as soon as possible. It would be about 8pm which would give me two hours to search before the beach closes. It would not be necessary for him to stay.

Joshua and I met in the well lighted parking lot at exactly 8pm.. We walked across to the sand discussing where and what happened to cause the loss of the keys.

When we passed the trash receptacle next to a lamp post, we spotted the keys on top of the trash box.

I didn’t have to turn on my detector and it was a successful search. This is common with keys found by others at the beach here In SoCal. People find keys, etc. and put them on lifeguard towers, posts, walls, near exits of the beach. Unfortunately sometimes others take them for various reasons. 

It was a cool evening so we glad that everything went well and we were both home  within an hour of Joshua’s call.. 



Stan the Metal Detector Man …. call or text .. 949-500-2136

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