Diamond Engagement Ring Thrown Across a Street in Lake Elsinore, CA After an Argument - FOUND!!

  • from Corona (California, United States)

I received a call from Eddie, asking if I could help find his girlfriend’s diamond engagement ring that was lost a week ago. He proceeded to tell me that he had the ring at work after they had gotten into a huge argument. He had been drinking after work, and in a fit of rage, threw the ring from the parking lot across a 2 lane street. On the far side of the street was a sandy drainage ditch.
Eddie said he and his co-workers later searched several days for the ring with no luck. He bought a metal detector and still had no luck because he didn’t know how to properly use it. That’s when he found me on The Ringfinders website.

He showed me the approximate 30 yard wide area across the street that he felt it would have landed and said that he had to leave to pick up his son. So I began my search, starting at the edge of the drainage ditch next to the road. There were large rocks along the embankment for runoff. With no luck, I started checking the sandy bottom. Within about 15 minutes I found it below the opposite embankment of the ditch.

I took a close-up picture of the ring and was about to send it in a message to Eddie when, at the same time, his boss came out asking if I had found it. I told him I had and he immediately called Eddie. You could hear Eddie yelling with excitement.

Another good day!




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