Lost ring in Provo River: Found

Tiffany and Justin volunteer to help with their church youth activities every week. Recently, the whole group floated on inner tubes down the Provo River. When one of the tubes got hung up in the river, Tiffany jumped out of her tube to help out. Unfortunately, when our hands are in cold water, our fingers shrink, and the wedding ring that she had worn securely for over 20 years slipped off her finger and disappeared into the knee-deep river. Justin searched for three hours the next day, hoping to see the ring among the rocks on the river bottom, but he couldn’t find it. They found my blog posts online, contacted me, and we met the next morning at the river to search with my water metal detector. Because the water was so cold and fast, and because we weren’t exactly sure where the ring was lost, it took almost 2 1/2 hours to find it, but I did find it!

This recovery is my 40th. I’ve found and returned rings, cell phones, car keys, earrings, and other items. I’ve helped many people move from the sadness of loss to the happiness of finding their cherished or needed items. I’m happy I can help.

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