White Gold Wedding Ring, Lost In The Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

As I was contemplating mowing our lawn, I received the following text, at 12:02pm, on Saturday August 17th.

“HI! We are on goose rocks beach and lost a wedding ring :(“
I replied
“So sorry. Were you in the water or on the Beach (Dry Sand)?”
The reply came back
“Dry Sand. My husband feels like he knows the general area”
I replied
“Ok, Are you there now? Is the area he lost it, packed with people or will I be able to search now?”
She replied
“You can search now. I think it’s pretty open. I’m going to have him call you.”

I then received a call from Scott and he told me they were on the beach, across from The Tides Beach Club, on Goose Rocks Beach, Maine, in Kennebunkport Maine. Scott was curious as to how quickly I could get there. I told him within 30 minutes, depending on traffic, from my home, in Saco, Maine. I told him I just needed to get my equipment, in the vehicle and I would be on my way. I can usually get to Goose Rocks Beach, in just under 20 minutes, but today there was a Festival going on in Biddeford, Maine and I knew that the traffic would slow me down a bit.
Cheryl and I loaded the equipment and left for Goose Rocks Beach. We arrived approximately 25 minutes later and found a parking spot, just down, from The Tides Beach Club. As we walked onto the beach, a couple of women saw us with the metal detecting equipment and told us that they were with the group, that Scott was with. The women yelled over the group and Scott started walking towards us. While walking to the area, I asked Scott how he came to lose his ring. He told us that they had just finished having lunch, on the beach and they were standing around talking. Scott told us he was just standing there and while talking, he was fidgeting and spinning his wedding ring around his finger. All of a sudden, the ring slipped off his finger and he saw it fall into the sand. He searched the sand, along with others, in the group but they couldn’t find it. Now, I know what you’re thinking, but trust me when I tell you, it is not easy, visually finding a ring, while in the sand. Afraid of pushing the ring, deeper into the sand, the group stopped searching, for the wedding ring. Scott’s wife had known of my service and that’s when she texted me.
Scott showed us the area where they had been searching, for his ring, and I could see the disturbed sand, where the searching had taken place. I turned the Minelab CTX-3030 on and knowing this should be a fairly quick search, I didn’t extend my detector shaft, to full length, nor did I put my headphones on. I slowly swung the detector for about 30 seconds, when I heard the low tone I was hoping to hear and I told the trot that I believed the ring has been found c I pulled my pinpointer out and located the target, in the sand. It took me 3-4 attempts to actually pull Scott’s ring out of the sand, even though my pinpointer had located it. The group broke out in applause, as they saw the ring, in my hand.
Thankfully, I am able to help people out in their time of need. The ring had been pushed down to approximately 4 inches, under the sand and Scott would never have found it, visually searching. Thankfully, the group also stopped searching as they may have kept pushing the ring deeper or even outside the original search area. I was found an Engagement Ring, that was moved 10-12 feet outside the search area, because of all the walking, the searchers had done, in the area.
Scott is extremely pleased tonight and he is once again wearing his wedding ring. Me, I am also very pleased, for helping Scott and I got out of mowing the lawn, at least for today😉

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