Third Generation Gold Signet Ring, Lost In The Old Orchard Beach, Maine Ocean, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

This is a continuation of Recovery and Return #62,

At 2:03pm on Wednesday, August 7th, I received a phone call from Lissa. She told me that her daughter, Kaitlin had just lost a Gold Signet Ring, approximately 10 minutes earlier, at high tide, in waist deep water. Lisa told me she and her daughter, were at the end of Seabreeze Avenue, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. I told Lissa that I had a 4:00pm booking, for a lost Wedding Ring, in Ocean Park, Maine, but would be happy to search for the Gold Signet Ring, as soon as I was finished, in Ocean Park Beach. I then told Lissa, I wasn’t sure what time I could get there because I wasn’t sure how long the Ocean Park search would take. I promised her, I would be there, as soon as the Ocean Park search ended, even if I had to search, in the dark. Lissa agreed and told me they would be going out to eat, sometime between 5:00 and 5:30pm. I asked Lissa to send me some photos and a video, of the area and I would start searching, by the photos and videos, if she was unavailable, when I arrived.

When the tide and heavy surf wasn’t cooperating at Ocean Park. I left my client my backup detector, at 5:00pm and told him I would be back, when the tide was out a little further. My client could continue to search, while I was gone. Cheryl and I then left for Old Orchard Beach, Maine and sent a message, to Lissa, telling her I was on my way. She replied that she and Kaitlin would meet me at the bottom of Seabreeze Ave.. Cheryl and I arrived about 10 minutes later and Lissa met us, at the beach access path and walked with us down to the beach. The tide was way out there, unlike Ocean Park and Kaitlin was already out on the wet sand, in the area she thought she lost the Gold Signet Ring in. Kaitlyn told us that she was waist deep and she felt the ring come off her finger. She tried grabbing the ring, as it came off her finger and descended into the water and sand, to no avail. Kaitlyn and Lissa, told us that the Gold Signet Ring was actually Lissa’s Aunt’s ring and Kaitlin’s Great Aunt and has her initials on it. The initials engraved on the signet ring are, LWM. The Signet Ring had been passed down, to Kaitlin and the ring has lots of sentimental value and they were very anxious to get the ring found and returned.

I then showed Lissa and Kaitlyn how my detector works and threw a Gold Test Ring down on the wet sand, so they could hear what it sounds like and to verify the detector is set up properly. I also showed them how I would grid search the area, that Kaitlyn had said the ring was lost in. I set up my boundary markers to overshoot the area by about 20 feet, on each side of Kaitlyn’s markers, just in case the ring had moved or Kaitlyn was a little off, of her area. I then started the search and went down to the first marker, took a 1/2 step over, to my right and headed back in the other direction. I then took another 1/2 step, this time to my left and headed back to the other end. A third grid line was then performed and still nothing, at all. I started my fourth grid line and about 5 steps into it, I heard a very nice low tone, the kind that get my attention. The sun was to bright and I couldn’t see the VDI numbers, on my detector but there was no way, I was going to pass up this target. I was so confident that this was the ring, that I yelled over to Lissa, Kaitlyn and Cheryl, “This may be your ring”. As they walked towards me, took a scoop of sand and threw it up onto the wet sand. I saw the outline of a Gold Ring, saw it was a Signet Ring. I reached down, held up the ring and told them, “I found the ring “. Lissa and Kaitlyn were in disbelief and ran over to me and they both gave me a big hug. They were so happy to have the very sentimental Gold Signet Ring back. They told me that the lost ring and me finding it, would dominate the talk at the dinner table, when they went out to eat afterwards.

So, a 3rd generation Gold Signet Ring, is back with the family and there are smiles, on everyone’s faces. I just love to be able to add another recovery, in to my “Book of Smiles”.

Now I had to get back to Ocean Park and search for Tom’s Wedding Ring. I had after all , left him with my backup detector, to continue searching, while I waited for the tide and waves to recede. To see the rest of Tom’s story, please go back and read about Recovery and Return #62. That’s right, his ring was found and The Ring Finders of Maine helped in returning 2 different rings, to 2 different people, on the same day, for the 2nd time, this summer. I just absolutely love helping people out, in their time of need.

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