How to find a lost ring in Port Moody

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you lost your ring/cell phone/keys or any sentimental items at the beach, park, lake or a yard… Don’t wait until it’s too late- Call ASAP 24/7  Chris 778-838-3463

I received a text message in the evening in regards to helping find the Lost Ring. I quickly called the young man and listen to their story carefully in regards to where they believe the ring went missing.

After 20 minutes on the phone, we decided to meet the next morning at the location, when I met, I was taken to a very large rock where the two were sitting and enjoying a game of cards and the beautiful scenery. He was winning in cards and his wife hit his arm playfully and her ring went flying. They both saw it, but could not find it and spent over three hours looking for it.

On the way back to the car, they went online and found my website and that’s how we got together, there was a lot of things that could’ve gone wrong with this search. When I got there, it was a flat big rock with a lot of cracks and crevices where a ring could easily hang up in, but I wasn’t seeing anything in the first 35 minutes, then I found the ring, so I thought, it turned out to be a test ring that he forgot his wife put on the rock. She wanted to see if the waves would take it away.

After surprising him with the ring to find out it wasn’t the ring it surprise me! lol, shortly after I found the beautiful diamond engagement ring in the cracks of the rock close to the edge, and if it had not worked its way into the crack it would have gone down into the abyss… I may not have been able to get into that pool of water. I believe it would’ve been way too deep even at low tide. Only married nine months they’re technically newlyweds, and I knew how important this ring was to find.

Hey smile says it all… I love my job!!!



If you lost your ring/cell phone/keys or any sentimental items at the beach, park, lake or a yard… Don’t wait until it’s too late- Call ASAP 24/7  Chris 778-838-3463


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