metal detector rental grand traverse county Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring found with a metal detector at Stearns Park beach in Ludington, Michigan

I received a call from a fellow Ringfinder Greg Larabel about a lost ring in Ludington, Mi. The closest Ringfinder Chuck Raison and himself had other commitments could I take this call. He gave me the phone number for Scott. I called Scott and got the story and set to meet Scott at the location today at 3:00 pm. Scott said he was throwing a football with his son in water about 5 feet deep with his son and saw his 14 k White gold ring go flying off. They searched the area with goggles and had no luck.  I met up with Scott at 3:00 pm got the story again and started the search. Scott walked me out to the area he was in. I had him place two of my snow plow markers as reference points. He mentioned that the wavers were larger yesterday than they were today. I explained to him that will raise the water in the spot he was in, so I might need to search closer to shore. The waves were big today also, I was on my tippy toes and jumping up so the waves did not go over my head. I started at the markers Scott set and worked close to shore. After about 40 minutes I got the only signal of the day and had Scott’s ring. I called Scott and his son over that I had a ring. Showed it to Scott and he verified it was his ring. He said he has no idea how I could find the ring in such a large area. The ring was about 15 feet closer to shore right in line with the marker Scott set.  He said to his wife last night the ring is gone forever and will never be found.  She said let me google it and found The Ring Finders. Scott has a very nice family, I enjoyed talking to him and his wife after finding the ring. Now they can get back to enjoying whats left of the family vacation.

Lost Wedding ring found at Glen Arbor Beach Glen Arbor, Michigan

I received an email from Mary stating her husband lost his wedding ring at the beach in Glen Arbor. I had Mary call me to set up a time to search for his ring after I got out of work. I drove the hour up to Glen Arbor and met Josh. Josh took me to the spot they were set up the day before. I could tell Josh was heartbroken that the ring was missing. He said they have been married 6 years and he did not want a replacement ring, he wanted the original back. I started the search and got an immediate 12:06 on the CTX3030. A good ring number but also a pull tab number. The depth meter was showing 6 inches deep. I got my pin pointer out and realized I forgot to put a new battery in it. So, I pinpointed with the CTX3030 then started digging by hand. I dug down to the wet sand and got the signal out of the hole pinpointed again and found the ring. Josh was so grateful to get his ring back he must have thanked me 20 times. I was very happy to help get his original ring back and appreciate the reward.