lost ring frankfort mi Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost 18k Gold ring found in Northport Mi

I received a call from Kyle about him losing his 18k Gold ring that Kyle inherited from his grandfather. Kyle and his wife have been married a short time, and the Ring is missing.

Kyle and his wife were kayaking in Lake Michigan at a beach in Northport, Mi. Kyle noticed his ring was missing at the end of the day. He thought back to what he thought could have happened. He thought the ring must have flown off a shirt he set the ring on earlier in the day.

I loaded things up in my vehicle and drove to Onomonee rd Beach in Northport, Mi. I told Kyle I would text him when I was about 20 minutes away. I texted Kyle, and he said they were running about 10 minutes behind me. FYI to other people losing rings. If you let me get there before you and I find the Ring, your probably going to get messed with. I hurried down to the beach with my CTX3030 with the 17″ coil and found the ring after about 3 minutes. Three women sat by where I found the ring and asked what I had found. I told them a gold wedding ring, and the owner is about 5 minutes away. I asked them if I should mess with him, and they all agreed with three yeses. I had 8 of the 4-foot snow plow stakes with me and set them up in the sand spread out. I put his ring over one of the stakes and let it fall below the sand. When Kyle arrived, I had him tell me what had happened, and he took me to the exact spot I found the ring. I told Kyle I had already found the ring, and he was also going on a Treasure hunt today. I gave him my Garrott pinpointer and told him his Ring was around one of the stakes. He thought that was hilarious and started searching for the Ring. After checking 3 of the stakes, the ring was around the 4th stake. He was glad the pressure of losing the ring was gone because the ring was found. He mentioned he didn’t want to tell his parent he had lost the ring.

It was an easy search in the dry sand on a lovely Sunday afternoon.


Lost wedding ring in Frankfort Mi found with a metal detector

I received a call from Julie about her lost wedding ring. It was lost a week ago. She was frustrated because she was using a metal detector and not able to locate the ring.

We agreed to meet a little later in the day, so not as many people would be at the beach. When, I got to the beach, I had Julie place a marker in the spot she was sitting. Then I set up two other markers to give me a grid line. I fired up the old trust CTX3030 and made one pass then turned around and got quarter signal with a gold signal. I pivoted around the quarter and honed in on the Gold signal. Dug 4″ down and found the ring. After I handed Julie the ring she was elated and doing the happy dance.

Lost wedding rings found in Frankfort Mi

I received a call from Kevin asking if I could go to Frankfort and look for his wife’s wedding rings. She had put them in a pocket in her purse and now they are missing.

Fellow Ring finder Lance Osborn responded to a facebook post of Kevin’s about the lost rings. Lance called me and we agreed to meet a 7:00 pm to do the search together. The search area was fairly large and after 45 minutes of searching Lance found the rings outside the primary search area. I met Kevin and his wife the next day and gave them the rings. They were both extremely happy to get the rings back.

Lost ring found in the Bear river Petoskey, Mi. that was lost 30 days ago

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call from Mia about a lost ring in the Bear river in Petoskey, Mi. that was lost 30 days ago. She was wearing her boyfriends very sentimental ring and it slipped off her finger when she jumped into the Bear river.

I had Mia text a couple pictures to get me in the correct area. It took a little time to get in the proper area. We had some big storms and the water was up about a foot, also one of the trees in the picture fell over. The search took about 1/2 hour sorting through a little junk. As I moved out close to the center of the river, I got a nice loud clear tone and found the ring in my scoop.

Mia lives in Traverse city like I do. I drove the 1 1/2 hours back to Traverse city and met them on my way back home. Mia her mom and boyfriend were all very excited to get the ring back. They didn’t think it was possible.


Wedding ring found in the dry sand at the beach in Frankfort, Mi with a metal detector

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This adventure started with a call from Catlin she had lost her wedding ring at the beach in Frankfort, Mi. She was pretty sure it was in the dry sand but she was also in the water.

Catlin was great and entertaining with the one liners tonight. I asked her if she was going to be at the beach a while. Her response was “I’ll sit here all night if that’s what it takes”. I got loaded up and headed out to the beach. It was about a 1/2 hour drive, then I met Catlin and we walked to the area her and her husband were setup. I lined up at the end of her beach towel to start a grid pattern. I started walking and about 5 steps in got a nice sounding 12:03 on the CTX3030. The exact numbers and sound for a woman’s rose gold ring. I used my pin-pointer and found the rind about 3″ down in the sand. I handed her the ring and watched the stress leave her body. Its amazing being able to see people relax and the stress leaves.

I told her I needed a closeup picture of the ring and also a picture of her happy. Her response “well that’s not be hard!” I had fun on this short easy after work recovery.

Platinum wedding band found in Kingsley, Michigan with a metal detector.

I received a text from Ed asking my availability due to the holiday weekend. He was cutting some wood with a saws-all and noticed his Platinum wedding ring missing after he finished. I told him, I need 10 minutes to load up and can be to his house in 20 minutes.

Once at Ed’s house he took me to the fire pit area to start the search. I did a grid search and found the rind after 10 minutes searching. Because the soil in our area is sand based the ring was already an inch under the surface. Ed was happy to have his ring back.