lost ring frankfort Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold wedding ring found in lake Michigan with a metal detector

I received a call from Joe while driving home from work today. He lost his wedding ring in 5 feet of water in Lake Michigan.

Joe and his bride of 6 days enjoyed a day at the beach on their honeymoon.

Joe stated he was swimming in deeper water, turned around, and headed back to shore. He felt and saw his ring come off his finger.

He tried to dive and catch the ring, but it went under the sand.

I drove an hour to meet Joe to get the ring back. I was in water up to my chin. I got a good tone on the Excalibur II, then scooped up the ring.

Apparently, Joe told everybody on shore what happened. As I returned Joe his ring, the audience on shore started clapping and yelling good job.

I thank Joe and his new bride for the generous reward. I love finding the Gold ones.





Lost engagement ring found in Arcadia Mi with a metal detector

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call from Ruth that her son Henry and future daughter-in-law Garrity were in the water in Lake Michigan. Garrity felt her engagement ring slip off her finger. She and Henry frantically looked for the ring. The correct was too strong, and waves from Lake Michigan crashed into shore.

Ruth found me on The Ring Finders site and gave me a call. I agreed to meet after I got out of work that afternoon.

Once on site, I met with Henry and Garrity. They walked me to where the ring fell off Garrity’s finger. I had Garrity put a marker in the ground to give me a reference point to work from. I started a grid pattern, walking 10 feet to the drop-off, then turning around. As I turned around, I got a very faint gold signal. I thought this could not be the ring down this deep in 5 hours. That target turned out to be the ring. It was already down 5-6 inches after being lost for 5 hours. This is why ou have to get on calls as fast as possible. A combination of the strong river current and the incoming waves rove the ring down. If we had waited a couple of days, the ring would have been too deep to get with a detector.

This was a fun, quick recovery after work.

Wedding ring lost in the water at a private residence on Lake Leelanau, Mi found with a metal detector!

I received a call from Micheal about him losing his wedding ring in front of their summer home on Lake Leelanau.

Micheal was throwing a football and saw the ring fly off his finger. I got in the water and found the ring in less than 10 minutes.

I snapped a beautiful sunset picture after finding the ring.


Lost ring in Frankfort, Mi found with a metal detector

I received a text from Valerie saying her husband lost his wedding ring in a local river.

The ring was lost in the area of the SleepingBear Dunes Federal Park. Metal detectors are not allowed in the area. I work with the head ranger to get permission to use a metal detector in the area needed.

I went out the first time in the area Valerie highlighted without finding the ring. We talked and narrowed the search area down for the second trip to look for the ring. I was successful in finding the ring on the second trip to look for it.

Valerie and her husband were back home after vacation, so I ended up mailing the ring back to them.




Lost ring at the Torch lake Sandbar returned to owner

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This call is different than what I normally do.

I was at the torch lake sandbar and found a men’s wedding ring. I didn’t have a call to look for it I just found it on my own.

The ring had GPS coordinates inside the band. I drove to the location that was about 4 miles from the lake. I was greeted with a locked gate saying, “welcome your on camera.”  Well, that didn’t work, so time to figure out a plan B. I use an app on my phone called ON X hunt. I found the name of the owner of the property and then searched but could not come up with a phone number just an address 2 1/2 hours away from my house. I actually had to drive by the address when traveling for a family function a couple of weeks later.

I stopped at the location, and a woman answered the door. I asked her, “did your husband lose a ring at the torch lake sandbar?” She said no, but my son Sam did!


Lost ring found at the Torch Lake sand bar with a metal detector in Torch Lake, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call from Matt needing help finding his wedding ring. Matt was with family/friends enjoying the day drinking some adult beverages while throwing a football out at the Torch Lake sand bar. (I highly recommend people drinking adult beverage and throwing a football. Its very good for my business). On one of the throws, Matt noticed his ring flying through the air. He and his friends looked for the ring but could not find it. They did save a google location on Matt’s phone, making my job a lot easier. Matt sent me the google location they were anchored at. I reassured him, I was very familiar with the exact spot the ring was lost and finding it should not be that hard. I headed out to the Torch Lake sand bar right after work to start the search. I got to the spot and found 2 pontoon boats anchored on the spot.  It was just before dark when I arrived and they were packing up to leave for the night. I waited for them to leave, then went to the spot and found the ring in 10 minutes. Matt did a great job on saving his location.

Matt was already back home and wanted me to ship the ring back to him.

Matt thanks for trusting me to find your ring and the generous reward.

Lost keys and cell phone rescued from Bass Lake in Traverse City, Mi with a metal detector.

I received a call that Hugh lost his keys and cell phone in Bass lake. Hugh was anchoring his boat in waist deep water. When, I got to the location Hugh’s wife told me off the right side of the dock in waist deep water. The muck was about a foot deep in the area. The keys and phone disappeared in the muck as soon as they hit the bottom. I got the waders on and headed into the lake. The first target was an old ice shanty. I moved out a little further then found the keys. I found the phone right next to the keys. A nice easy call, I was in the water about 10 minutes.


Lost Engagement ring found in Roscommon, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This adventure started with a text from fellow ring finder Chuck Raison. He asked if I could go to Roscommon to look for a ring. He had commitments the next two days and Karyn would like some sooner. That turned out to be a good idea on Karyn’s part.

I met Karyn at 6:00 pm at a cross country ski shop and got the details. She had lunch outside on Friday with a friend then they went skiing. She did not realize the ring was missing till after she woke up Saturday morning. She had searched her house and car and could not locate the ring. That’s when her thoughts took her back to Friday and spending time outside in the cold. Her Fiancee did an internet search and came up with The Ring Finders and here we are on Monday night.

I started the search in the parking lot in the area her car was parked. I search the intimidate area where the car was and the area where they plow the snow. I searched the snow piles and had no luck. Then the search moved to the front of the building and the sides of the road. The trails are across the road from the business. No luck in those areas also. Then we moved the the deck where she had lunch outside. I searched the outside areas where they shovel the snow off the deck and had no luck. Then, I moved up on the deck and the area was shoveled clean and I thought there is no chance the ring is up here somebody would have picked it up. I walked around the deck area and once I rounded a black plastic spool they were using as a table, I spotted a round shining ring on the ground. I called Karyn over and said is that your ring? She picked up the ring and we were both in disbelief on how the ring sat in plain view since Friday and nobody picked it up.

Lost Wedding ring found in the leaves in Frankfort, Mi

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call from Christine that her sister had lost her Wedding ring at her parents house while getting the flower beds ready for winter. We agreed to meet the next day at noon.

We met at noon and I got the story. She was cleaning leaves out of some beds in front of the house. She had bagged up about 10 bags of leaves. She also dumped other plants/grass in the back of the property in 3 different piles. She had me check 2 of the bags of leaves and the area in front of the house. We had no luck so off we went to the piles at the back of the property. I searched the area twice with no luck. Her father had walked out to talk to me and watch the process. He stated she was in all 10 bags of leaves they had in the garage. So, off we went back to the bags in the garage. We had to bring them out into the driveway because the detector way picking up the tracks on the garage doors and the car. I searched through about 5 of the bags and finally got a signal in one of the bags. We took the bag out in the side yard and dumped it out to search further. Just as I was zeroing in on the ring they spotted it in the leaves I has moving around.

Lost wedding ring lost in the brush found with a metal detector Frankfort Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call about a lost wedding ring in a small brushy area on Crystal Lake in Frankfort Michigan. I knew this would be a short hunt just because the search area was about 10 feet by 10 feet. I started searching in the brush and overgrowth and found the ring under a low hanging branch from a pine tree. This was a short fun little search after work.