Kory Kunkel

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

Based on Rewards System... You pay what it's worth to you and what you can afford for me to come out and find your lost item. This is not based on how long the search takes it's based on whether or not I can find what you lost.

I have a call-out fee to cover my fuel expense, whether or not the item is found. (call to discuss).

My preference is payment with permissions to hunt other properties so I can continue with my metal detecting passion

Search Types

Parks, Yards, Flowerbeds, Fields, Beaches up to 5 ft of water depth, Wooded areas...

Search Locations

North Texas/Southern Oklahoma area: Within 100 miles...

Kory Kunkel's Bio

I'm a 55 year old Navy Seabee that discovered a passion for metal detecting and helping/teaching people. When I found my first old coin , an 1876 Silver Seated Quarter, I was amazed that so much history could be discovered just under our feet. That grew to a love of historical areas of cities, North Texas and Southern Oklahoma, which led me to a desire to help people discover this as well. As I met people and learned more about this craft, I discovered the need that people have in finding their lost beloved treasures which led me to TheRingFinders and the opportunity to recover these treasures for them! I've recovered rings, civil war relics, coins, and other amazing pieces of history. I even recovered a civil war cannon ball in Eastern Missouri and civil war bullets in Central Virginia. I would love to help you recover your lost treasures!